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-Mentions everything that happened

6 months later...

Clay's POV

'Dad, I'm staying with George this weekend, if that's alright,' I yelled to my dad who was sitting behind the television.

'Of course, have fun,' my dad yelled back.

I smiled and grabbed a biscuit from the table, eating a bite as I started cycling towards George's house.

I felt very fit, I went to the gym three times a week for one to two hours and I gained a lot of muscles. I was proud of myself and when I looked in the mirror, I felt a tiny bit happy that I had come so far. I wasn't that very thin and pale boy anymore, but I was a bit more muscular. I was like how I wanted to be since I was a kid. Not too many muscles and not too few.

I enjoyed the sun on my skin as I took the last bite of my biscuit, smiling as I remembered my progress. From a boy who didn't even dared to think about touching biscuits a few months back to a boy who was free and ate whatever he wanted. I was so proud of myself and my confidence had gone up by a thousand.

I parked my bike in George's garden as I arrived there and walked in, seeing George sit on the couch. I ran to him and kissed his face with a smile. 'Hi! How are you?'

'I'm good,' George said as he blinked his eyes a few times.

George had been doing incredibly well. He went to therapy twice a week and learnt how to control his tics. Since this wasn't enough, they gave him a low doses of medication, causing his tics to be way less.

He still had tics, he still had Tourette, but he learnt how to control them a bit better. I knew exactly how to calm him down and as soon as he had a tic attack, we went to go swimming, we cuddled or kissed and I made him fall asleep.

'Did you take your medication, honey?' I asked as I kissed his lips.

George nodded. It was a bit later in the evening and the pills made him very sleepy. I lifted him up and helped him walk to his bedroom, laying him down in his bed as I cuddled up with him.

'I love you,' I said as I kissed his cheek.

George smiled at me and grabbed my hand. 'Have you eaten today?'

I nodded. 'I ate pasta for the first time. It was so scary, but I even ate a biscuit just a second ago. I'm kind of proud.'

'I'm proud of you too,' George muttered as his eyes constantly shut.

'Sleep, Georgie. You need it.'

George ended up falling asleep within a few minutes.

The next morning we woke up late since it was Saturday and I stood up to take a shower. Once I took the shower I went back to George's room and knelt down next to the bed, pinching George's cheeks as he was still really sleepy.

I kissed his nose and smiled. 'Do you want to go to the gym with me today?'

George nodded slowly and sat up with big eyes. 'I'm so tired.'

'Did you take the medication too late?'

George nodded. 'I'll take a shower.'

'Are you going to be safe?'

'I will, don't worry,' George said as he stood up slowly to walk to the bathroom.

He took a shower as I prepared breakfast for us, greeting his dad who was already downstairs.

'Hi, Clay! How are you doing?'

'Good, I'm going to the gym with George. I can ask Sapnap to come too.'

'Sounds like fun,' his dad said.

I nodded and saw George come downstairs. He took a deep breath and grabbed the bowl after giving me a hug to thank me. 'Thank you for making breakfast.'

'Of course, are you okay?'

'I'm starting to wake up,' George said with a smile. We ate our breakfast and then went to the gym. I sent Sapnap a text to come if he wanted to, but he was probably still asleep.

At the gym, George sat next to me as I did my first exercise. I still helped him because he found it a bit difficult, but he had been doing great. It wasn't his biggest hobby, but he did enjoy. On the other days we went swimming together in the swimming pool my dad was still running.

My dad had gone back to work too, he regained an amazing life and was completely sober. He was happy to be a real dad again while my mother was somewhere random. We didn't know where and we didn't care either. I was glad to never see her again.

I stood up as I finished the exercise and helped George do some pull-ups. He was proud when he did three himself. I helped him with the other two and kissed his cheek to show him I was proud.

Suddenly the door opened and Sapnap walked in. 'Of course, they are kissing again.'

I rolled my eyes. 'I kissed his cheek, idiot.'

'Yeah, so you were kissing. Just accept it, you are always and everywhere kissing. Is there a spot you haven't kissed?'

'Your place?' I said with a questioning tone in my voice.

'No, false. I left to go downstairs and came back upstairs and you were kissing.'

'Shut up, let us love each other.'

'I'm not getting any love here. I'm going to manifest for the love for Sapnap.'

'What are you even saying?' I giggled.

'I need love.'

'Oh poor boy,' George giggled. George walked to Sapnap and gave him a hug. 'Here.'

'Not enough love.'

I hugged him too and Sapnap smiled. 'I'm included. Now stay off each other and keep including me,' he giggled.

I purposely grabbed George's hand and kissed his cheek.

'Ugh fine, you are too cute to say no to,' Sapnap said as he started exercising.

I smiled at George and looked him in his eyes. 'I'm with you forever, no one can stop that.'

I kissed his lips for a split second and George blushed. 'I love you.'

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