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George's POV

The next morning Clay and I immediately went to the principal to tell them Clay was completely sick of constantly being teased for being gay. We walked into his office after we got permission and sat down.

'How can I help you? And are you doing better, Clay?'

Clay nodded. 'I'm alright now, thank you. I just want to say something since I'm sick of it and it makes me not want to go to school anymore.'

'Okay, go ahead.'

'Ever since a girl suspected that I was gay, she told everyone in the school about it. Everyone just keeps calling me gay and say that it's a shame that I'm gay, because I'm so popular and handsome. I just want it to stop,' Clay muttered as stared at his hands. 'It hurts.'

'Are you actually gay or is it a dumb rumour going around the school?'

'I'm actually gay,' Clay whispered awkwardly. 'It just hurts when they call it a shame, just because I'm more popular. I don't want the girls and I have a boyfriend.'

Clay cuddled up with me and smiled. 'He's my boyfriend.'

'It's not a shame to be gay at all and I'm going to talk about this. Do you want to be there or do you want to sit somewhere else when I talk about it?'

'I can be there, I don't mind.'

'Okay, I got this. You'll see me come into the class and then I'm going to talk about it.'

Clay nodded and we stood up to walk away again. We waited for a long time, but when our whole class was together, the principal walked in and told our tutor to give him a minute.

'This morning Clay came up to me with something I don't appreciate. He told me that ever since people suspected he was gay this went through the whole school and people have been calling it a shame that he's gay.'

It was quiet and a few of the girls looked away in shame.

'It's not a shame at all that Clay is homosexual. He might be popular and handsome, but this doesn't mean he has to start something with a girl. With that, he's just as popular among the boys, because he has a boyfriend. I don't want you to call it a shame again, otherwise you'll just get detention. I don't appreciate homophobia in any way in this school.'

A girl stuck her finger in the air. 'I'm not homophobic though, I just thought it was a shame because he could get all the girls, but he likes boys.'

'Why is that a shame? He doesn't like them so he doesn't care about being able to get them all. He wants a boy and he has a boy. There's no discussion about this possible, he's gay and he likes boys. That's totally fine and we are going to behave the same around Clay as you would around someone who is straight.'

It was quiet again, but then a random boy stuck his finger in the air, looking at Clay.

'Are we allowed to know who your boyfriend is?'

Clay looked at me in the corner of his eyes and I nodded with a smile.

'George is my boyfriend.'

'Congrats!' the boy said happily. 'That's sick. I'm happy for you.'

Clay's face heated up and he smiled shyly as he grabbed my hand. 'I don't want to be known as the gay boy, I just want to be called Clay.'

I saw a few people nodding.

'Just as George wants to be called George and not the gay boy with Tourette. We are more than our sexualities and struggles.'

'I agree,' the principal said. 'Just leave them alone if you can't normally speak to them.'

He walked away and Clay smiled at me, grabbing the books he needed. I had a tic and threw his book through the room with a scream. Clay didn't stand up to grab his book, but kissed my cheek to calm me down first. Once I calmed down, he stood up for his book.

When it was the break, I sat with Sapnap and Clay. Clay and I were cuddling and Sapnap was smirking.

'Come on, spill the tea. You've been together at night, what happened there?'

Clay rolled his eyes. 'I'm not telling you, idiot.'

'Was I right? Did you make out?'

'Oh my gosh, you're embarrassing us,' Clay muttered as he smiled. I giggled and rested my head on Clay's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and Sapnap laughed.

'You made out, I'm more than sure. Now, spill the tea to your best friend or I'll tease you for the rest of your life.'

'Fine, fine,' Clay said as he held his hands in the air. I laughed loudly.

'You're so dumb,' I giggled. 'Who cares if we made out or not.'

'Me,' Sapnap said with a sigh. 'Give me the details.'

'Maybe once, now shut up,' Clay giggled. I bursted out into laughter as Sapnap's eyes got big.


'Dude, you're way too loud,' Clay muttered with an awkward laugh.

'I was so right, it has been a week.'

'No, it was a bit longer than a week, you were wrong.'

'Now, spill the details,' Sapnap said as he took a bite of his sandwich like it was normal to be asking these things.

Clay wheezed. 'No, dumbass. I'm not giving you details of how we made out.'

'I'll just cry myself to sleep.'

'You're just so lonely, aren't you,' Clay teased Sapnap.

Sapnap nodded and sighed. 'So lonely, it's not even normal anymore.'

'Poor Sappy Nappy,' Clay laughed as he hit his shoulder.

'And my friends don't even want to spill all the tea,' he said with a fake sob.

'Because it's really weird to tell you what we did together.'

'No, no, no, I'm the best friend here, I NEED those details.'

We all just laughed and Sapnap started eating his sandwich with a sad face. We knew he was joking and we were really glad that he was this supportive of our relationship.

1026 words

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