"Kai you don't have to do this," Elizabeth said quickly.

Kai turned back to the two women. She tried not to let the horror on their faces effect her. She wasn't human, and they often forgot that. This was just another time when that was made apparent. "Do either of you know anyone else who has been trained in interrogation?"

They both shifted their weight but neither had an answer.

Kai nodded. "That's what I thought," she said and she turned for the gate room.

"Kai," Elizabeth called after her. "Torture is in direct violation of the Geneva Convention, the United States of America and-"

"Who said anything about torture?" Kai asked lightly. Then she took a step closer to Elizabeth and her grey eyes were hard. like granite. "I don't know what the Geneva Convention is," Kai said. "But they have no authority over me." 


John woke on the floor of his cell. The last thing he remembered was Kai's voice and the pain of the wraith feeding on him. His whole body pounded with pain.

"You know," he groaned, shoving himself up to a sitting position. "I could have sworn I was going to wake up dead today."

The wraith was standing near the window, watching him. "You are strong," he said. "Stronger than any human I have ever fed upon."

John let himself lean back against the wall as he took stock of his body. He felt heavy, and every joint and muscle hurt. He felt old. "You stopped yourself," he said.

"Yes," the wraith agreed.

"Why?" John demanded. The wraiths actions didn't make sense.

"Because, the longer I feed, the weaker you become, and we will need what strength you have left to escape."

John's whole body was trembling and weak. He wasn't positive he could stand right now, let alone fight. "Now he wants to escape," he said sardonically.


"I lack the words to thank you, Doctor Weir," Ladon said formally.

The marines in the gate room were returning the Genii guards their weapons as they all moved down the stairs towards the gate. Kai was already waiting.

"I didn't do this for you," Elizabeth said.

"Well, nevertheless, we'll be in touch the moment our talented Kai has the information that you need."

Elizabeth hesitated at Ladon's use of the word 'our'. She hadn't forgotten how other Genii had referred to Kai as an object or a slave. Elizabeth looked over Ladon's shoulder to where Kai paced restlessly back and forth, waiting for the others. "I don't think I need to warn you that if you decide to try and keep Kai and use her-"

Ladon chuckled bitterly. "I was there the last time we tried to keep her prisoner Doctor Weir, I can assure you, it is not worth the trouble."

Ronon shifted his weight still angry at the prospect of Kai going alone. Ignoring the others he crossed over to her in a few long strides. "You shouldn't be going without back up, little sister," he growled. John would never have wanted Kai to do this alone, and part of him felt responsible for Kai's safety when John wasn't there.

Kai tightened her jaw and stepped closer to him so they weren't overheard. "You need to be here in case you find the location before I return. You are the only one I trust to do what is necessary to get him back," Kai said and her sincerity shone in her grey eyes.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now