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Hello to those who continue to read my story despite the long over due update.
This past months have been rough to me since I lost my grandmother whom I've been very close to and always looked up to her since i was young, I've also been struggling with keeping up with uni life and also I was sick for some few months and I'm ok now.

It has come to my concern about a certain website called ( that has been uploading my stories in that website without any of my permission and also alot of writers have raised concerns on this website stealing our books and uploading it on their website gaining their own votes, readers and followers.

I'm sad to say this but I'm thinking of stopping my writing here and not continue unless something happens. I hope people look into this site and make a change in it cause most of the writers hardwork and time spent is being wasted because of a site that hasn't asked for permission and that's really sad.

But I'm sorry to say that I'm going to end this story here and I'm thankful to those who gave me the inspiration to write this story and thankful for your votes, comments and simply just reading my book.
I started this book as a fan of Supercorp and love the passion between the two characters and I'm thankful for your support.

IF things may work out with dealing with the website, then maybe I'll continue to write because Wattpad keeps on taking down my draft and it is a hard job to reload and look for the draft again.. But just comment if you want me to continue this book or not and how is the story so far.

But Good bye for now🏳️‍🌈🙃

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