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Chapter 2

10 years after Marcus' death

Papa don't forget I'm coming to the house to interview you tonight so people can learn about the Exodus into the underground cities, are the structural builders finished connecting the tunnels between the cities where possible? Yes Myles and they added the steel wall to lower in case a city is compromised. Compromised how? A vampire infected with R-19 can you imagine of they were let loose in an underground? The bite would turn the humans  crazy. Vampires and Lycans usually get sick but make it through. I printed the contraband list for you to go over once more. Good. The animals have been transferred in for safety. You sure you're staying above ground pop? I'm sure I'm angry I have to pretend to be white again but your brother is sealing off the house like we did in the 20s, all roads leading to the big house will be blocked by fallen trees and the gates and fences locked by old fashioned lock and key. I'll make sure all of you have copies. Is mama coming underground?

No she's staying with me, I'm sending Chance as Pharoah underground and Niarchos is appointing Big Khallah, Saint and Christopher over three separate Lycan cities.

What about baby Fi and the kids? We are all moving into the big house the other coven's and houses will be locked completely down, everything will be here this is the headquarters moving forward. The Elders? Undecided they will let me know before Sunday.

Your Uncle Blaise is getting a city underground he's the only one thus far who opted in as far as Elders go besides Chance. I believe Cody and Eagle are going in Colorado, I haven't asked Uncle Raven and Cara yet.

Pop are you afraid? I'm concerned for the human's I'm worried not afraid if they die we die. We? Yes we as black people, person's of color. You're stopping it pop stop worrying. Are you afraid? A little I don't want slavery to happen again. It won't not on my watch. Thanks papa.

Cassius, stop kissing on me like that. I love you Sparkle you're sure you have wings? Why do you keep asking me that silly! Cause I wanna see them. You can't my papa cloaked them in a way that I can't break, I use to be able to do it when I was younger but they stopped me. Why? I was uncloaking them in front of humans. Haha, why? Dares. Let me guess Destiny. No Egypt and Artemis. All four of you are fine as hell, and all four of you are mess. When I saw you at that party I had to have you, I was so drawn to you. I was a vampire for fourteen days and I was blessed to meet a fairy. She kissed him smiling. Your hair is super long is it a weave? Haha, no it's all mine. Have you ever cut it? Nope just trimmed ends we have a contest going who ever has the longest hair by 18 wins. You look like your leading.

No I'm second. Who's first? Destiny. She keeps it up all the time. She's like grammy only let's it out on special occasions.

Then Artemis and Egypt. When can I meet your dad? Umm she shook her head no. Baby we are about to all go underground. We're not. My family and I, we are were a blended family father's a vampire mom is human and my grand parent's are Lycan.

Okay I'll ask my mom and dad. Oh man I'm about to meet the famous Quad Prince Angel Hollings. Don't get happy he's mean when it come to me and boy's he's easier on my brother. Ask your folks to invite us to dinner before the Exodus let me know what they say Cassius. Okay I'll call you tonight. I love you Cassius I love you too my Sparkle. 

Destiny sat in her father's 2025 vintage BMW truck. It's about time. I know you ain't talking the way you and Uncle Blasie's son get down you hated him in elementary school. Do they know yet? Uncle Blaise know's. What about Auntie Victoria? Nope. How you gonna accept a proposal and not tell Uncle Malcolm? He probably already knows Sparkle. No he doesn't the vice president of the United states has other thing's to worry about. He hasn't cared about me since Uncle Marcus died he checked out when that happened emotionally. He loves you Destiny. You keep saying that Sparkle you have auntie Chantel and papa and Angel, they help you develop your gift my father had Uncle Caleb in the house of seers--
Which you are a certified member of might I add.
Yeah because papa sent me by the age of ten to be tested by Uncle Caleb not Malcolm.

Vampire Uprising 7 Black Genocide ( Book 7 Of 13) In This Epic Series Where stories live. Discover now