Chapter Ten: Her Smile

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Here it is DarkShadows_11


I think a girl saw us leaving but Rosé told me to drive faster.

"Don't stop, go go!" She tapped my shoulder and I complied.

"Who's she?"

"Jennie. My older sister. But go! She won't do anything" She insisted and I went faster.

Man she's a pain in the ass.

"Be thankful I'm driving. I would have kicked you off this motorcycle, pronto" I said and she pinched my waist.


"Beach" She mumbled.

"It's bitch, as in biittcchh. Not beach" I corrected her.


"No. Bitch. Say it with me"


"Aish, you're such a goody two shoes" I mumbled.

"Thank you. At least I'm not a perv like someone I'm looking at" She retorted and I felt my left eye twitch.

"Where's the wrench when you need it...."

"Jisoo babo!" She hit my helmet and I screamed.



We got to my house and she got off my bike as soon as I parked.

My dad saw us and he looked happy to see Rosé.

"Rosie, you're back" He sauntered to us and draped his arm around her shoulders.

"Yes samchon. I just wanted to stay with Jisoo. I hope I'm not disturbing you"

"Oh no not at all dear. I actually love your presence and it's good you came. You can keep Sooyah company, she has a little fever"


"Stay as long as you want darling" He waved and got into his car.

This man...

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Rosé asked me worriedly and placed the back of her fingers on my forehead.

"I'm not sick" I said and she stared at me.

"Yeah right. Come with me" She demanded and took me into the house where she made me a hot breakfast. Well tried to.

She nearly burnt the egg. And the kitchen.

"It's a good thing the fire alarm wasn't activated" I said and sipped my hot cocoa.

She managed to make it without any mistakes and I'm thankful. It tastes great too.

"Are you mocking me?"

"Am I thinking about something dirty? Yeah"

"Arghh! You asshole!" She threw a spoon at me but luckily, I dodged and my cocoa was still in one piece.

"Thank God" I stood up and checked my cocoa.

"You're so annoying!"

"So are you. How can you say 'asshole' but not 'bitch'"

She swung the spatula at me and I ducked.

"Sorry. Not sorry" I sipped my cocoa and left.


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