Astonished, Lina whispered, "Woah... Val..." Even (Y/N) had absolutely nothing to say. This was a first. Val had never really been interested in fighting, and to see him knock her out like that- and perfectly- left them flabbergasted.

"I did the right thing... right?" Val whispered, which Lina heard as she excitedly skipped to his side.

"Totally! It's time we move on. No more Harley. No more Joker. It's us now. Even if we make a mistake it's fine. Wanna know why?" She faced them both.

"Because we'll always stay together"

• ° • • ° •

"How we doing, Cash?" (Y/N) asked through her earpiece.

"Nothing on this window so far. V?"

"Nothing here either"

Jason had assigned each of them to seperate different areas of the building he had the Joker trapped in. Lina watched the back windows of the building, (Y/N) watched the front windows, and Val looked after the backdoor on the side of the building which was near the front. They were all spectating from the roof of another building.

All 3 of them, held sniper rifles to see closer and aim. The only problem was that their masks didn't allow them to observe as much through the lens of the rifle, so they ended up not using them which is why they were using earpieces to communicate.

"Think he'll come any second now?" Lina asked, referring to Red Hood.

"Idiot, he's already been inside for the past 5 minutes" Val answered.

"Really? Oh..."

"Listen, I can't see anything from back here. How was I supposed to know?" she added.

"It's okay. You're not missing much. It's been pretty silent in front too" (Y/N) furthered.

"Hah, well it's not like the clown can escape from your boyfriend's eyes anyways"

"B-Boyfriend??" (Y/N) almost fell back at the sudden comment.

"I saw the way you look at him, and you even ran back out to catch up to him last time. V and I were literally there. Right V?"

". . ."


"Oh yeah, right..."

"Cash, the first thing I'll do when I see you is punch you. He's not my boyfriend" Before Lina could reply, (Y/N) took a glance through the lens of the gun and changed the topic as usual.

"I sort of looked away when Red Hood and his special guest went inside, mind telling me who they are?"

"Wait, I thought you saw them go in?" Lina questioned.

"No? That was V. He was the only one who saw them go in. I kind of missed it"

"Wow. So you weren't going to say this and keep it to yourself while leaving me to be called the idiot alone?"

"I still ended up mentioning it though..."

". . ."

"Cash?" Val called, receiving no repsonse from her.


"I'm here, I'm here, sorry. Just check your phones"

When they checked it, they saw the automated message Red Hood sent. It was a message that would only be sent when he presses the button Val had placed on the side of his waist to give the signal. The message read:

In 40 seconds from now, the bomb will go off. Run if you want to live.

This idea that Val made up, actually earned him a compliment from Jason himself. It was also Lina's and (Y/N)'s first time seeing their friend get flustered by the compliment coming from someone he sort of disliked. Emphasize 'sort of' because Val's hatred to Jason did lessen afterwards.

"That's the signal" Lina stated.

"Then let's keep guard" Val had a more stern tone.

"In the last 10 seconds, we run" (Y/N) started positioning the sniper rifle to aim at her area. As she was supposed to, she looked through the lens one last time and searched every window in case the Joker escaped, though as soon as she did...

Her eyes met with another pair of white lenses.

Goosebumps formed on her arm as she deciphered who it was even though she already knew with that dark cowl, the serious expression, and the dark cape... it was all familiar.


He saw her...

-without her mask...

That was the only thought she had in mind as she fell back and whispered to herself as the nightmare she never wanted to go through became real, "No... no... no, no"

She covered her mouth, stunned by the fact that this was happening right now. She felt uneasy as her heartbeat raced. It was over. This was it.

But as she was freaking out, the thought came to her.

'He's inside. He's the special guest. Why didn't Jason tell me- hold on... the bomb... the BOMB!'

"WAIT!-" she screamed out before the bomb went off. The buildings nearby shook and the energy released pushed her farther away which was not what she wanted right now. The force was overpowering her, small particles would've entered her eye if she didn't close them. She also would've fallen off if it wasn't for someone's arms catching her.

"We were supposed to run in the last 10 seconds. Clearly that wasn't enough time for you" she heard Val say loudly through the sound of a collapsing building.

She squirmed around his grip, "Val! Please let go! I need to see if he's okay!"

"He's fine, don't you remember he told us he had a way out?"

"Not Red Hood! I meant Batma-..." In an instant, she felt a needle going through her neck– a syringe that he was holding.

"Sorry..." Val whispered with widened eyes, immediately regretting what he had done as he held her close. "Shit... I'm so sorry... I don't- I don't even know what I'm doing anymore"

[End of Chapter 15]


Word Count: 1,594

Uh oh... Val...


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