12. passion fruit in the woods

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some authors really out here be having more than 1 ongoing stories & consistently update them like how do y'all do it wth.



jeongguk was doing his rounds during lunch break when joshua approached him after probably like a week and a half of not doing so.

"you've been busy?" was the first thing that jeongguk blurted out, looking at joshua who was now walking alongside him by the field.

the weather was warm, the air seeping so velvety all over jeongguk's skin. the clouds were puffs of radiant buzz, drifting by on the calmest of breezes and helping his eyes to admire the baby-blue sky even more.

"yeah, it's football season so i help out a lot with the arrangements of the games and stuff." joshua explained, subtle hints of apology lacing his voice as his hair was tousled by the soft wind. "what's up?"

"not much." jeongguk turned away and shrugged his shoulders, doubting if he should tell joshua about his horny phase because the chance of the whole school also knowing about it was high if he did. "what about yo-"

"how are you holding up?" joshua interjected, wrapping an arm around jeongguk's shoulders as a sign of providing comfort.

"uh... fine?" jeongguk replied weirdly but he actually got what joshua was referring to approximately 5 seconds later. "oh um it's whatever, i don't really care." he clarified.

"good, as you should." joshua said supportively. "so.. you don't need a rebound then?"

jeongguk snorted, "yeah, no." this whole thing was ridiculous at this point, he found it surprisingly entertaining when he started to just play along.

he could kind of see why taehyung have been doing it this entire time.

"well if you ever need one, i know just the perfect candidate." joshua said.

jeongguk rolled his eyes, "who? kim yugyeom?"

"wait, is it that obvious?" joshua raised an eyebrow questioningly. "well, he just broke up with his girlfriend and he's like, attracted to you."

"sexually attracted." jeongguk corrected the older. "i've seen the way he looked at me, i swear, i could just tell."

"i think he just seems like he wants to get to know you and occasionally fuck?"

"no, i really don't think so."

"i mean... have you seen the way taehyung looks at you? now that's sexual attraction. there's a vast difference between the way they look at you." joshua argued, stating his hypothesis.

jeongguk knew better than to believe his words but a part of him felt like what he was saying kind of made sense, in their littlest ways.

"doesn't taehyung look at everyone in that way?"

"what way?"

"like, he's gonna devour you or something..?"

"without the sexual part, yes, fair point." joshua nodded. jeongguk hummed.

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