"If something was bothering you, I just want to let you know that I will always be there to listen."

"Thank you," I answered then I immediately crawled into my futon without wasting any second and then covered myself under the blanket.

It's a sleepless night, but tiredness seems to had forgot that he had cast its effect to a human body like the kind that I had.

Morning came and then noon. When the sun was so high, where the most heated part of the day, our sensei had decided to head back.

Every step we take, the heavy feeling got heavier.

I already had told myself that it was just a feeling with no basis and it's just an imagination.

But the fact that we're going to pass by to the land of rivers where one of their hideouts was pitched, fear of the unknown had strongly apprehended.

That's when I decided to stop and head to the direction where the hideout of the Akatsuki was pitched around the land of rivers.

I'm not familiar with the hideout, I just had a good look at their map that I had thought of going to that place in hopes to see Itachi.
And the land of rivers was one of the place where their organization's hideout was located.

It's still in my head, so fresh that I can make a map out of it if I had to.

They are calling out to me, they are calling out my name, asking me what was gotten into me and where I am going.
But the sound of Yumi, my mind had declined to it as it says it isn't my name anyway.

I stopped to where I know that was the place of the hideout, that I am not even sure if that is how a hideout would look like.

But didn't he promised me to meet me to the festival? I was looking forward to it.


"Hm?" He glance towards his teammate who called him by his name.

"What is this place? Is something that happened here?" Hiro fumed which was he was only trying to fill the silent air, as he was inspecting the place and tried to make a theory out of it.

"You're studying medicine, right?" She asked that only made him more confused.

He can't say that they had the best friendship, he honestly despise her for some personal reason that he was too open to slap that truth in her face. And that's how she also treats him back. Just like in the field of science, they both had the same interest, but they had different perspective and understanding for it on which he can't respect and tolerate.

"And?" He asked.

"Can you please heal this?"

"Heal, who?" This made him more confused that made his brows knit. "Did you hurt yourself?" He asked, but he's pretty sure that she didn't get herself hurt from just sitting.
He may have dislike her for that personal reason, but a simple matter as this he would lend a hand. She's still a comrade and someone that he can't turn his back on.

But what annoys him this time is that she's not making any sense to him.

Keisuke went to her side that he also gave a look to Kyousuke that it gave him the idea that it was a serious matter.

Hiro who also having a walk in an art gallery, came running towards the others that also made Kyousuke feel an alarming vibe.

"I don't know what I can help, but just tell. I'll do it."

"What is going on?" He thought, and tried to guess why his teammates are acting acting so different.

"If you don't mind hurting, Hiro, maybe we could use your help," says Keisuke.

"No, I don't mind. Just tell me what to do."

Assured from that, it was Kyousuke's turn to state his decision that he glanced at him once again.

He was hesitating for some reason, but the feeling that he's not going to help someone who's in need of medical attention was not so good either.

He went towards his teammates and lend out his hand. He had no idea of what will he use mystical palm technique that he just showed them his hand to imply that he was willing to lend a hand on whatever that is.

Their sensei lead his hand towards the thing that Yumi was holding in his hand that also what made him confused at the very beginning.

"Just do your mystical palm technique, Kyousuke and don't think of what would be of used to it."

"I'll do what I can," he says, interrupting their sensei that he had done it before even getting the sign that he should do it.

"Hiro," their sensei called.

"What is the command?" He responded made the situation more tensed.

"I'm really sorry to ask this, but would you mind cutting yourself? Just a little it would help."

That favor made him surprised that his widen eyes turned back to look at the thing on Yumi's hand.

"That thing needs blood?" He asked in his mind as a lot of other question came circling on his mind.

Hiro cut himself on the wrist with no hesitation that he hissed from the sting he got from the blade.

"That's brave of you, Hiro. Again, I'm sorry."

"I don't mind, please do your thing, sensei."

He gave up trying to analyze what was going on and just continued to heal the part that they expect him to heal that looks like a stab wound that still freaking him out for doing it on a thing instead. But their team's sensei had said that he should do what he should he doing that he had thought of not following it and forced himself to do it.

"Mystical palm technique doesn't mean to turn back the time. What was broken is broken." He turned his gaze in front of him where Yumi was sitting then glanced at Hiro who has a cut near its wrist that he can feel it on his own arm, then glance to his sensei who almost looks like Yumi.

A faint smile curved on his lips. "So this thing made two people cry so much, huh?" He once again laid his eyes on Yumi. "And also─"

"Kyousuke, concentrate on speeding the process of blood clotting on the open wound as I try to keep the blood from spilling out."

He made a last look on Hiro that he wanted to ask questions that how is he able to not to ask questions from what was in front of them. He can discard the question about the enclosed case that they are trying to revive like a human─he wanted to know, what's with their team? He looked so relaxed like he knew all about it except for him.

He wanted to know it, especially Yumi.

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