The Blood of Olympus (Part 1)

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Olympia, Greece

Two minutes wasn't nearly enough time.

Percy did his best to listen to Leo's lecture on Archimedean mechanics and understand the gadgets he'd given him, but that had never been his strong suit—even when Annabeth was the one speaking. He just hoped that in the heat of the battle he'd be able to remember which buttons to press and not accidentally kill his friends.

While Leo was still explaining, Hazel stared at the stone archway and muttered under her breath. Nothing seemed to change in the big grassy field beyond, but Percy was sure Hazel had some tricks up her sleeve. The little he'd seen of her Mist abilities since returning from Tartarus was impressive.

Percy was not looking forward to more running and fighting. Over the years of constantly fighting for his life, he'd gotten in pretty good shape; but since returning from Tartarus, he'd noticed that he got winded more easily. Stupid acidic air designed to kill him.

That wasn't the only parting gift the pit had given him. Since the night he'd gotten back, Percy's nightmares had worsened like never before. He'd woken up screaming the first night, waking Jason who was in the cabin next to him. Percy hadn't been able to get back to sleep that night. Soon after he'd woken up, Annabeth had come into his room, also plagued with horrible nightmares. After the next few nights of the same thing, they started spending the nights together. Annabeth's presence didn't completely banish the nightmares, but he always calmed down quicker with her there. No one else could help them, anyway. Since Nico was off with Reyna and Coach Hedge bringing the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, no one else truly understood what Tartarus had done to them.

Sometimes the nightmares were harrowing scenes hinting at what awaited them in Athens—a handful of giants, hordes of monsters. Sometimes Percy was back in Alaska drowning in the muskeg, or at the edge of Chaos hurting Akhlys and Annabeth. Sometimes Gaea taunted him about his mortal spot. And sometimes it was all of them at once.

Leo was just explaining to Frank how to avoid getting decapitated by his own Archimedes sphere when the sound of trumpets echoed through the stadium. Nike's chariot appeared on the field, the Nikettes arrayed in front of her with their spears and laurels raised.

"Begin!" the goddess bellowed.

Percy and Leo sprinted through the archway. Immediately, the field shimmered and became a maze of brick walls and trenches. They ducked behind the nearest wall and ran to the left. Back at the archway, Frank yelled, "Uh, die, Graecus scum!" A poorly aimed arrow sailed over Leo's head.

"More vicious!" Nike yelled. "Kill like you mean it!"

Another arrow hit Percy in the shoulder and bounced off his invulnerable skin. Yep, that was Percy's role—target practice, since he could actually take it. He wasn't very happy about it, but since they needed to fool Nike for a bit, he tolerated it without too much grumbling.

Leo glanced at Percy. "Ready?"

Percy hefted a bronze grenade. "I hope you labeled these right." He yelled, "Die, Romans!" and lobbed the grenade over the wall.

BOOM! Percy couldn't see the explosion, but the smell of buttery popcorn filled the air.

"Oh, no!" Hazel wailed. "Popcorn! Our fatal weakness!"

Frank shot another arrow that hit Percy in the back of the head. He and Leo scrambled to the left, ducking through a maze of walls that seemed to shift and turn on their own. Percy could still see the open sky above him, but claustrophobia started to set in, making it hard for him to breathe.

Somewhere behind them, Nike yelled, "Try harder! That popcorn was not fatal!"

From the rumble of her chariot wheels, Percy guessed she was circling the perimeter of the field—Victory taking a victory lap.

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