Notes and Reviews and stuff :)

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New cover update!  The new title cover, Season of the Wild Hunt, just uploaded. :) This is book one in The Seventh Gate series.

NB: The chapter images are music videos. Hover over and click to play :)

Editorial Reviews

 Harper Collins editor:

'The Seventh Gate' is an ambitious fantasy novel, influenced by Celtic and Arthurian mythology, with a teeming cast of characters and a lively story-world. ... wields a jostling cast of characters and hums with intrigue, from its passages on clan politics to its explorations of druidic mysticism.

The Nyani/Ashira thread is a stripped-down, tightly-characterised study of two female travellers.

This splitting of the narrative gave the novel interesting dimensions. The minimal, action-based Nyani/Ashira thread was refreshing after the mysterious Conn/Elen thread, and vice versa. The diversity of the locations depicted in each thread helped to give the land of Érenn a sense of vastness, as well as depth and detail.

This is smart prose, practical yet evocative. The writing elsewhere in this plot thread is equally driving and engaging, full of quick-witted dialogue and sharply sketched characterisation. The women's childhood memories and reminiscences were handled well,making them sympathetic and believable.

The author displayed a firm understanding of folklore and mythology, tying together strands of the Celtic and Arthurian traditions to create something that seemed at once familiar and new.


"A Butterfly effect that begins at home, ultimately producing the winds of change that shape a world."                                                                                                                  William Carson, author of the dark fantasy Few Far Fallen.


Just a last formality...this story does, at a later stage, contain some content that may not be suitable for younger readers, e.g. violence and sexual content.  While neither are excessive nor overly explicit, please bear in mind that the story was written for an adult audience.

The story is complete, and has been through beta-readers, so is approaching it's final edit - and that's why I'd love to hear from readers.  If you spot something that troubles you, please do let me know - I welcome constructive feedback, questions, and of course, typo-spotting! If you enjoyed it, I'd love to hear that, too - and if you liked it enough to vote - thank-you :)  Either way, thanks for reading!      



Season of the Wild Hunt(Book 1 of The Seventh Gate series)Where stories live. Discover now