"I'm guessing murder and drugs" I shrugged my shoulders

"Guess whatever you want" I wasn't confirming anything

Creed: everything good with you and the baby.

"So what you being her R.O.D. Or something" I started laughing

"I'm not with her. We just share a baby" I say

I watched her type on her phone. Probably telling my dad or her messy ass might just be texting Trent. She does shit like that.

"I didn't even know Trent was out here" I shrugged my shoulders "want him to come see the baby"

"Now why would I want that" I ask

"Well the other parent is in jail. You have nothing to worry about" she shrug not seeing any wrong

"I'm not even cool with Trent. He hates the fact I got pregnant so why would I want him around my baby" plus my baby a premature his immune system not that great and no telling what hoes he been around.

"Well he's in love with you so duh he'll hate it" My mama say "but once he see Kason all hatred would be removed" she definitely think we're going to end up together. Sorry mom but it was just dick. It was good but at the end it was just dick.

"Just because he's in love with me doesn't mean anything. I have said it countless of times, I have no feelings towards Trent" and that's the truth. He can definitely be the homie but nothing more than that

"Because you don't like good guys. You like the ones that run the streets and get locked up" yeah she about to be on the next flight back to Illinois

"Trent runs the street" I say "and I actually prefer a 9-5 dude. Since we on the subject. I don't think Trent is actually in love with me. I believe it's all lust" Just think about it when we're mad at each other we have sex, go out to eat we go back and have sex everything ends and start with sex.

At first I was not liking the fact Creed and I wasn't having sex but now I can honestly say I appreciate it. Sex isn't clouding my judgement and I can actually have fun with her. Lord knows I've let good sex cloud my vision plenty of times in the past

"And he takes care of home! He's never been in jail" I rolled my eyes

"You like him so much you date him" I roll my eyes

"I'm married" Barely. My daddy been cheating on her for years. Hate people that just can't let that shit go. Ain't no love there.

"If that's what you call it" I roll my eyes

There was a knock on the door before the nurse walked in "We tried everything" a lump formed in my throat. Anytime someone starts with that it's never good "unfortunately he passed away five minutes ago" no. This is not what I want to hear "we're going to take you to see him"

"What do you mean he passed away" I look up at the lady. I knew exactly what she meant but I wanted her to tell me something different "don't tell me that. Kason is okay"

No tears fell out my eyes as I got up. I put my sandals on and followed the lady out. We got on an elevator and went up a floor. It felt dead on this floor

I followed her to a room and walked to his incubator. The lump in my throat got bigger and bigger "Kason wake up for mommy" I put my hand in the little opening touching his small hands. He usually wrap his little hand around my finger but not this time "please. Please"

I stood in that room and cried my heart out "would you like to hold him"

I couldn't even stop the tears. She took him out and placed him in my arms. He look so peaceful. I placed a kiss on his forehead.

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