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Xiwei heard the door to her room swing open. She assumed it was her father, coming in to check on her in the middle of night. She breathed heavily, anticipating a monster instead of Dad or Papa. She heard someone's faint footsteps on the carpet. She felt her heart squeeze as the person or thing approached closer. The noise got deeper meaning the monster had crossed the carpet and was well near her bed. She squeezed her eyes shut, determined not to look. Her hands clenched into fists, she almost sobbed. 

"Xi?" her Dad said, lifting the sheets she had covered herself with. His amber eyes glowed oddly in faint light of the room. The more she grew, the brightness in them changed. Papa used to say years ago they were always excited but now that had faded to give a wise look. "Papa is back."

Xiwei felt the knots in her stomach loosen. No monster, it was just her father. She threw the sheets which her dad caught in the air and put down on her bed again. 

"Don't fall!" he yelled as she ran out of the room, probably waking Oscar, the golden retriever. She was in the slippery night slippers, running on the smooth wood boards of her house. She might fall down but it was worth seeing Papa a few seconds earlier since he had left for tour five months ago. 

"Pa?" she yelled, not seeing him at the door. None of his stuff was there, no suitcases, no guitar, nothing he usually carried with him whenever he left. He had left her twice like this. Twice, he had left his family for five months. 

She heard Oscar whine playfully in the dining room. He was there. He had to be. She turned around navigating back to the dining room only a few steps away. Her Pa's stuff was there, his suitcases and guitar, leaning against a wall. She saw Oscar disappear into the kitchen, his tail wagging behind him. 

"Pa?" she asked and she heard him laugh. 

"Xi?" he said. She had known that Papa was coming back the tonight. She had begged Dad to let her stay awake but he had said it would ruin her sleep schedule. 

He came out of the kitchen, being assaulted by Oscar who wouldn't let go of him. Xiwei was seeing her Pa after five endless and brutal months of him touring. He called everyday, wanting to see his daughter and husband but it wasn't the same. He hadn't changed a bit(five months felt like a long time) but he looked different than he had on her tablet. His eyes were clearer, his canine exposing smile was more stark and he was with her. He was here. 

"You're back!" she yelled, hugging him tightly. She didn't remember moving. "I love you so much!"

"Xiwei Janet Gray-Charles, did you brush your teeth?" her dad asked, lifting her. He didn't look annoyed but then again they hadn't met after five months. He couldn't be mad at her for at least two weeks. 

"No," she giggled as he attacked her with kisses all over her face. "But I wasn't asleep either, Pa."

"I will take you to the bathroom," he said, sighing adorably. Her Dad emerged from behind him, kissing his husband. Seeing them together, made her really ecstatic. Their family was complete. It would be more complete if her fathers would keep their promise. Well, it wasn't really a promise...

"Hey Pa?" she asked and her father looked at her, his eyes a little wider than usual. "Have you thought about what I said?"

"What you asked for a week ago?" her Dad asked, trailing behind them. 

"Yeah," she nodded and they entered her bedroom. "Please?"

She made her much puppy face in which she stuck out her bottom lip and widened her eyes. It worked on Pa very rarely but it worked magically on her Dad who would cave in very easily. She never used it on things she wanted. Usually it was saved for desperate situations like extended sleeping hours or staying awake at night, the usual desperate situations. She really wanted what she had asked for last week. 

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