chap:-12 completed

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So after coming back from airport Vabsh make her sit in car with his mother...he is very happy to get his love back..and told driver to bring all belonging of Riddhima to VR mansion..n drive himself to their between he got a call from Aaryan that their union on airport is all in the news n being a famous business man they are receiving calls from media on this news..he got worried n then tell him to contact H.R department to release a press statement n soon about their wedding...
The next day they got married in a simple way in court as she is pregnant n release their pictures n press statement on their wedding n having kids very soon...on returning home after wedding Uma organised a get together for new couple n introduce her to all relative all gave her blessings n a every one enjoyed a lot..

In night their room was decorated .. She was standing in balcony ..n looking towards the moon n thinking about her new life n future with Vansh n her between he came n hug her from back n kissed her.on cheeks she just hug her n smiled
V-so wifey how are you feeling
Riddhima just smiled n sunggle him..
V- so my dear wife today is our wedding can we start said Vansh while getting naughty..
R- Vanshhhh....I think we have our passed that stage n as you know I m pregnant n that too with in this state no hanky panky okay...
Vansh just smiled on her antics n said okay no suhaagraat but I have a gift for you on this wedding night..said n passed a file towards her.. while seeing file all memories of last time came in her mind n she trembled..n put her hands on abdomen..n their were tears in her eyes... Vansh just panicked n made her sit on the bed
V-what happen my dear why are you crying...
R-last time Kabir gave me file n that were ..she can't say more n start crying...
Vansh understand her turmoil...n just hug her...I m sorry I m sorry my dear .... please please please forgive me it's not my intention to hurt you ..I just love you...just love you n can't think of life without's not divorce papers..
R- then what's this...
V- just have a look... She opened file with trembling hands..n get shocked on seeing papers...that paper are of his father firm which kabir got on his name...
R:- Vansh how you these got firm on my name did you have him money...
V-no my dear wife ...he cheated on you n I cheated on him...I told him to purchase so much raw material from him n he had no money so he took loan against this property n when I didn't take material from him he had to sell this property to bank on cheap he is again on roads....he hurted my wife how can I let him live in peace but you know I m happy he left you unless we will not meet n you were not Mrs VanshRaishingania. ..
Both laughed on this n hug eachother...
After few days...
She is now in her final month of pregnancy...n having twins she is very difficult phase moving with twins she is very fussy... Vansh just pampered her a lot...but keep her happy...she shows all tantrums to him but he just hug her n kiss her...n keep her temper down...
One night she feel uneasy n called Vansh ... he got up n took her to the hospital...she was in so much pain n after 3 hour she gave birth two kids two boys... Vansh was very happy ...

After few days they discharge from they organised a big fat function on named their kids Rihaan Raishinganian Vihaan Raishingania...n they lived happily after that...

So finally that was the last chapter...hope you like it...n now I will start a new story soon....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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