part :-2

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Riddhima just got up from her chair on listening all that non sense.. n felt discused on listening his second deal..

R- what are you saying Mr RAI Shingania.. are you mad?? 

V- nothing my dear just want a night with you n wants to give you a memorable night for long time said with a wink..

She is.. just shocked to listen all this.. she just pick up her bag n belonging n came out of his office blabbering.. listen. 

Miss Sharma Vansh called her again I m giving you 8 hours till 5 decide your self n give me your answer atleast for first deal..

Even came walking to her hostel.. she was just mad on him..

When she entered the  hostel warden stopped her n asked her about job.. as hostel is for working ladies n girls .. she can't stay here if she is not having job... She assured her that very soon she will be able to find a job but she was adamant whether to leave the hostel in 2 days or search for job.. as soon as possible.. now she was on dead end.. in her room all the while thinking about the incidence took place in his cabin.. so at the end round about 4 :45 p.m she decided to call him n take first offer as there is not any other option left or her.. 

Vansh was expecting her call. He knew no one can deny his offer whether it's work or something else.. 

R- okay Mr Raishingania I accept your offer..

V,- which one my dear first one or the second one.. said while smiling.

She feel suffocating but answered the first one to join you in your work.. I will come by tomorrow n sign the papers.. said n put the phone down..

V- don't worry miss Sharma very soon you will be with me..said while giving a smile..

Riddhima joined Raishingania .. it was really great as atmosphere is there great n all work very enthusiasticly.. she starts liking working there.. one day Vansh called her n asked her the designs of the honeymoon suites.. n wants to discuss it.. she hesitately went to his cabine .. she was very frightened but on seeing others also gives her strength.. n she describes her idea n all that all were impressed.. so as Vansh. like this all started liking her.. one day she was working very late.. then Vansh called her again.. now she is not afraid of him n also talk to him very calmly.. ok miss Sharma we are having a meeting with forgein clients in few minutes through video conferencing.. be prepared with your blue print n all the stuff you needed for meeting said Vansh while reading a file..

R- this time no way I will be late it's already 8 by my watch n I have to reach hostel before 9 as it is a rule .. 

V:-What you live in a working women hostel.. ..

R- yes I don't know any one in this city n also I can't afford a apartment n flat of my own.. so please I m leaving..

VANSH mad on listening this as work comes first for him.. but Her point was also right.. so after few minutes he said okay pack you bag I will drop you to your hostel.. She said she will manage but he was admit n drop her to her hostel n called forgein clients n delayed meeting n gave reason for his bad health..

Next day Vansh gave her keys of a apartment..but she refuses to take it..

V- listen miss Sharma I m not doing any favour on you it is a company apartment n the rent will be deducted from your salary.. so don't worry about it n also my investors are mostly forgeiners n I can't tell them daily lie that I m not fine.. so today is Friday tomorrow is Saturday and then Sunday so settle your self there n also from Monday onwards you will be late so be prepared for it.. she reluctantly take the keys n in next two days settle their easily as it was near to her office n also it was fully furnished . 

In next few weeks their meeting mostly start after 9 p.m all her work being appreciated by them also .. n after their meeting Vansh used to drop her as it was very late .. now their is a comfort level in them.. 

Let's see what happens now????

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