"Brenn knows more about Ross than he realises," Thatcher dabbed at Erin's eyes carefully, swiping away the tears before they could do any damage, "we were supposed to go for purple, like the rest of the theme, but this made more sense," Erin wanted desperately to hug his friend. He wanted to embrace the both of them, but he knew the silk around him would give way then. He had to settle for pressing a gentle kiss to Thatcher's cheek, and repeating the action with Fox.

"I love them, thank you. Might actually make him cry," there was somewhat of a betting system going on of what aspect of the ceremony might bring a tear to Ross Towler's eye. Erin thought the first sight might be the key, but he hadn't been sure. Ross didn't cry in public - the bouquet might be just what he needed to change that.

"Well, you save your tears," Fox finished adjusting Erin's hair, giving his shoulder a brief squeeze and rounding the boy to stand beside Thatcher once again, "there's another gift for you. We'll be right back," Erin had to admit, he wasn't the biggest fan of so many surprises that day, however, he wouldn't ever mention that to his friends. It was tradition, apparently. Gifts and treasures and memories were supposed to be shared with the bonded couple. Erin didn't want to alter tradition any more than he already had.

Once Thatcher and Fox had left, Erin's eyes drifted back down to the bouquet in his hands. Another smile curved his lips, leaving him grinning as he brushed his fingers delicately over the tiny petals of the buttercups. Yellow. Ross' favourite colour. Not red, or blue, or black. No, Ross Towler, infamous hitman, chose the shade he desired most to be bright fucking yellow. Erin could only laugh at the irony, shaking his head lightly, before lifting it when he heard the door to the little room he had been dressing in open.

"I'm sorry, I don't-" Erin's words stuttered to a stop as the woman interrupted him. She was beautiful, ethereal, like an angel, and Erin instantly fell into her trance. At least, that's what it felt like. He couldn't bring himself to speak, only tearing up as her words really hit him, deafening and silent all at once. The bouquet slipped from his fingers, crashing to the floor silently, with the silk around it unfurling, littering yellow flowers and petals over the cold stone beneath.

Once the woman was finished, Erin found himself crying. Makeup running, smudged down his cheeks, split by tracks that his tears had taken. He stepped forward shakily at first, yellow petals crushed under his bare feet, before he managed to find his strength. Eyes ablaze, tears still coursing down his cheeks, Erin exited the dressing room. Those that he passed, staff, demons, hellhounds, all regarded him with confused expressions. He wasn't set to walk down the aisle for another ten minutes. He was early. And he couldn't care less.

"Wait, Erin, what are you-" with one well-timed glower toward Thatcher, he went silent. Erin was starting to understand the term 'Bridezilla'. He certainly felt like a monster as he stalked into the grand hall and silence reigned. Guests turned to stare, attention caught by the loud crashing of the doors opening and Erin coming to a stop at the end of the aisle.

When his eyes landed on Ross, coated in black silk, first looking so truly happy, then switching to a far more concerned expression, Erin's wrath dwindled down to sorrow. His lips quivered as he tried to think of the words he needed to say. Moments before, he had wanted to yell until his throat ran raw. He had felt murderous, and now all he felt was pain. Guttural, throbbing, centred in the depths of his chest. It was his wedding day, and he couldn't possibly feel any more miserable.

"You had my dad killed?" Erin could only muster a whisper. No matter what he had felt before, no matter the rage that had consumed him so fiercely, his voice came out as nothing more than a shaky whisper. Still, in that hall, it sounded as though it echoed and resonated against the high ceilings. Ross heard him.

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