Chapter IX

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~Tuesday 3rd February 2015~

Erin grumbled to himself when he received his exam back from Levi. At least the man was actually aware of why his grades were slipping, although Erin had refused to even remain anywhere close to his professor since their conversation last week. Of course, he hadn't told Tabitha anything. How was he supposed to? Jordan would get angry, Erin wasn't willing to have his mother hurt like that. Nor was he willing to worry her about something he could find a solution to himself. He would figure something out on his own, he had come far enough to be able to take care of himself.

Sadly, that did mean his grades were beginning to suffer. A D on his recent essay, a C on his last test, Erin was losing it. Soon enough, Levi would be forced to have a more serious talk with the boy, if only to appease the Dean of the college. Hopefully, Levi would keep it professional and not pester Erin about his home situation. He didn't need to be reminded of the nightmare he lived in, not when his lectures were the only distraction available to him at the moment.

Even his friends didn't seem to be talking to him, which he usually would find a God-send. However, it was only adding to the Hell. He would give just about anything for their mindless gossip, if only a few mumbled comments throughout the day just to give him something else to focus on. Instead, he was jittery, flinching at the slightest of noises, and in one of the worst moods he had dealt with in years. The only happiness he could actually take solace in was knowing that he didn't have to go home to Jordan that day. The man was away on business.

However, that didn't mean Erin had any easier of a time at home. He wasn't going to party or get drunk or do anything stupid. He couldn't ever, in that house. The mere walls were enough to set him on edge. Every room had its own nightmarish memory, Erin would just have to deal with that for the next few days. Little sleep and constant fear. He was so used to it by now that he worried he might react worse if he actually had a good evening alone.

Erin sighed when he stepped out of hallways and into the courtyard. Rain. Of course. Just what he needed that day. He slinked back against the wall, under one of the overhanging lips of the roof, debating his next move. It had been a pleasant morning, so he was only wearing a thin jacket, definitely not a thick enough fabric to withstand the downpour that he would endure on his walk home. At least it had a hood.

Shivering in the cold breeze, Erin made his decision, taking out his phone with the intention of calling a cab. He wasn't making the fifteen-minute walk he needed to to get home. He would be soaked through, and that included the work in his rucksack too. Even though his notes were shoddy that day, he wasn't willing to lose all the effort he had put into it. He had the cash anyway, and he could always go grocery shopping tomorrow. It wasn't particularly urgent.

"Erin!" The boy looked up from his phone at the sound of his name, only able to narrow his eyes when he saw an SUV waving him over. Feeling a smile already pulling at the corners of his mouth, Erin tugged his hood over his head and walked over to the car, although he didn't get in immediately, standing at the open door instead.

"You so shouldn't be here, Jordan does classes here, if people see me with-" Erin gasped when Ross pulled him into the car and leant over to close the door behind him.

"You were getting wet," was his only explanation, wearing his own smile as he pushed the hood back off of Erin's head and cupped the boy's cheek, "you're cold too. Wraith, turn the heat up, please," Erin couldn't help but blush as Ross pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, then settled back in his seat and simply held the boy's hand. Such a basic action, and Erin's mood skyrocketed.

"Why did you pick me up, Ross?" Erin asked after Wraith had pulled away from the curb. At least the windows were tinted, meaning no one could actually see inside. If anyone had been watching, all they would have noted was Erin getting into an unfamiliar car. Hopefully, he would be able to think of a good enough excuse for that by the morning.

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