Chapter XXXI

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~Monday 30th March 2015~

Happy didn't even begin to explain Erin's mood. Elated was more like it yet, still, it didn't quite fit. There weren't words for how Erin felt. He couldn't remember the last time he had smiled so much, or when his heart had felt so light. Maybe when he was a child, those evenings when his father would get home and he would run into the man's arms, swept up into the air with laughter and love. That sounded right. Erin thought it best to keep Henri out of his mind that day, not wanting to darken the mood by reminding himself of his father's absence at his own wedding.

Stepping in front of the floor-length mirror, Erin admired his clothing with another smile cracking over his lips. He had chosen to wear white, simply to follow the traditions of a human wedding. Of course, that had already been performed. Legally, Erin was now Mr Towler, and the thought of that alone had him giggling, covering his mouth to muffle the sound. The more important ceremony was to take place within the next half an hour, when Erin's soul would be bonded with Ross' for the rest of eternity.

Erin ran his fingers down over the ivory silk wound around his form, ensuring his touch was only delicate. The fabric was held together by one single brooch at Erin's hip, and he didn't want to risk it all falling away early. Erin hadn't really been listening when Ross explained the ceremony to him the night he had agreed to bond with the man, too caught up in thoughts of his own wedding. Having such delicate clothing was something to do with offering himself to Ross, and vice versa. Normally, the ceremony would be performed with both parties naked, proving that they were open entirely to one another, however, Erin wasn't quite comfortable with that, so Ross had agreed to the amendment. Even though there was none of his own family there, Erin wasn't particularly happy with the idea of stripping off in front of his in-laws. No matter how natural that was down in Hell.

"Erin..." Thatcher breathed, almost startling the boy with his silent entrance, "you look stunning," Fox was beside Thatcher, wearing an expression that was just as awestruck as the vampire's. They were Erin's 'bridesmaids', or something of the like. Erin couldn't think of anyone else more perfect to be there with him on that day, standing right beside him, witnessing what was to be the one defining moment in the boy's life.

"Stop, you'll make me cry," Erin had to stop himself from touching his face, knowing that the tears would ruin the makeup he had spent so long crafting. Still, it was heartwarming to have his friends there with him. No longer was he trapped in a circle of bitchy girls, only tolerating him because of his sexuality, treating him like nothing more than a stereotype. Finally, he had people around him who actually loved him, who valued his presence and accepted who he really was.

"Are you excited?" Fox drew closer, shifting a few strands of Erin's hair around, adorning an adorable smile that the boy couldn't help but mirror.

"More than ever," Erin wondered whether he would get cold feet. He had feared it from the moment he accepted Ross' proposal. So many brides lost their nerve mere seconds before their wedding, yet Erin didn't feel that. He had never felt more secure in his life in fact. He couldn't imagine a life without Ross. That man was his everything, his eternity, his forever, his life. Without Ross, Erin would be dead. This was the only way he could even begin to give back to the man that had gifted him the world and more.

"You're just missing one thing," Thatcher removed his hands from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of yellow flowers. Roses, dahlias and, most of all, buttercups. Tears really did well in Erin's eyes then but he paid no attention to the threat to his makeup as he took the bouquet from Thatcher.

"How did you know?" Erin's voice came out in a delicate whisper, his eyes locked on the shades of yellow wrapped within black silk. It couldn't have been Ross' doing. Erin had already planned a surprise for the man regarding his favourite colour, this had been just as shocking to him as he imagined his husband would be in a few moments.

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