part eighteen

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(a week later)
i woke up and decided i wanted to completely bang out my album. i don't know what made me have this mentality but i'm okay with it. i have been working with a bunch of artists trying to get more features and it's working. i finished most of my songs anyway. i stretched and kissed ariana's forehead "goodmorning" she muttered "goodmorning, i'm in a good mood so i'm going to go finish my album today" i said and she nodded "okay is it okay if i stay here my voice feels weak" she asked in a groggy voice "of course it is okay if you stay here" i told her and got out of bed. i gave her my pillow and she immediately cuddled with it so i tucked her in and kissed her cheek "i love you" i told her and got dressed into some sweats and a hoodie. i brushed my teeth and sped out of the house. i got to the studio and immediately started to sing. we put my album together by 11:37 pm, i was so happy we got it done. it was 8am when i got here so i'm just greatful i got this done. we scheduled a photoshoot for the cover and i got to leave. i cant wait to go home and crash.

i just pulled up to my house to see arianas car still here. i smiled and ran into my house, she was sitting on my couch on her phone so i jumped on her and kissed her repeatedly "you're really happy" she noticed "i finished" i whispered and she looked at my confused "i finished my album" i smiled and she pulled me into her arm "i'm so so so proud and happy for you lovie" she told me and kissed my cheek acouple times "i don't know what i'd do without you" i said and pulled away slightly so we were looking in eachothers eyes "you mean the world to me beautiful" i added and kissed her. we got interrupted by her phone going off, i just layed on her chest as she answered "hello frankie" she said joyfully "hey sister we miss you" he told her and she giggled "i miss you all too" she said and i heard jonás voice "what are you doing" she asked ari "i'm with my hot girlfriend" ari said and i giggled "hey joan" i smiled showing myself on facetime "hey sugar how are you" she asked "i'm great thanks to your outstanding daughter" she smiled at me and i smiled back. i don't know what that moment was with joan but it was a moment. "ari i know where you get your beautiful looks from" i told her and she rolled her eyes at me "stop trying to be a kiss ass" i gasped and shook my head "how dare you" i asked and started to tickle her. she started to laugh so much, i even heard laughter from the phone. i stopped and grabbed her phone "sorry she asked for it" i joked and everyone laughed except ariana "well i'll let you continue talking to ari because she looks like she's going to bite my head off. frankie i love you and you too joan" i said and handed ari her phone back. five minutes later she hung up and gave me the death glare again so i kissed up her leg to her neck. "mmm" she moaned alittle "don't be mad at me please" i kissed her jawline and kissed her lips a bunch. "wanna sneak peak at my album" i asked and she nodded quickly "okay so i'm not showing you the songs about you cause that's top notch surprise shit" i told her and pulled my phone out "ugh fine" she sighed and i giggled "okay there is mercy or in my blood" i told her "mercy" she replied "is it sexual" she asked with a smirk "actually the complete opposite" i laughed and clicked on the audio

"oh wow you sound like a goddess baby" she complemented me and i smiled "the lyrics really hit, i could tell this was from the heart" she said and kissed my cheek acouple times "yeah but not all my songs are this depressing" i joked and she giggled on my skin "imagine that live" she gasped and i nodded "i'm going to have to be in my feels" i joked and she nodded "when are you releasing it" she asked "justin is releasing his in a week so i might do mine the day after just to troll him" i said and she giggled "i love your laugh" i admired her and she covered her face "it's ugly" she pouted and i kissed her pout away "shut it, i love absolutely everything about you" i confessed and she pulled me into a loving kiss. we ended up falling asleep on the couch together. holding onto eachother for dear life.

a/n: another chapter of just stalling fluff lmao, but it's going to get fun next chapter.

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