Chapter 20: Suspicion

Start from the beginning

"Something's definitely not right." I said.


"Okay, Fenton." Dash said during free period. Tucker, Sam, and I were talking amongst each other while we watched Danny play football. We were trying to figure out what really happened. "After the snap, I'll hand the ball off to you."

Danny saluted, and they broke off formation.

As he left, Dash grouped up with his friends and said, "Leave him wide open for punishment!"


*Danny's POV*

My underwear was hanging from a ceiling fan. I was having the worst day of my life, and I thought dealing with this back at my world was worse. I moved around until finally my underwear snapped off, and I fell down on my butt.

I headed to my locker quickly. "I have to contact (Y/n) somehow..." I said, placing my hands on the mirror. My hands and arms glowed bright green and tried to feel a connection to my world.


*(Y/n)'s POV*

We got up from the benches to the sidelines. They started to hand Danny the football and they sprawled out and we braced for the blow. "Well, it was nice knowing him..." I said, and we looked away.

"Think I could have his computer?" Tucker asked.

One of my eyes opened and I looked down to see ghost writing on the ground and it read, '(Y/n), Tucker, Sam. Open Locker 724.' I opened my other eye and blinked twice before it disappeared. I looked up at Danny and saw him get tackled with people, but then he phased through the pile and ran to the touchdown post.

"Fenton's got game!" Dash said, "Who knew?"

Danny slapped the football to the ground and started doing his little dance on the field. He finished with a satisfying smirk and we smiled at each other in surprise. I was going to tell Sam and Tucker about the ghost writing, but my parents slid right on over it. Dirt and everything piled over it.

"There's a ghost in here, I can feel it in my boots!" Mr. Fenton exclaimed.

"And I'm not leaving this campus til' these gloves grabs some ghost!" Dad agreed. Him and mom looked at me and said, "Hi, sweetie! How are you doing in school?"

I blushed with embarrassment. Mom was looking over Mrs. Fenton's shoulder to look at the tracking device and trying to figure out where this ghost was located. "Hey, Maddie." Mom said. "Look at that. Is that right?"

She pointed at the device that popped up an alarm. Mrs. Fenton turned the tracking device around to face it towards his son, and it had a label saying 'Ghost'. "A ghost?" she asked herself. "That can't be right!"

"Hm..." Mom said, and I didn't say anything. "Looks like we'll be staking out the school all night. Don't wait up for us at home (Y/n), you can stay with Jazz and Danny after school."

"In that case, I need to use the little ghost room." Mr. Fenton said, and tossed me the ghost gloves. Tucker and Sam looked at me and examined the experiment. "Hold these gloves, (Y/n)! Where I'm going, there's no need for that much power." Mine and Danny's parents ran off and I buried my face into the gloves from sheer embarrassment.

"Guys, I have to tell you-" I started to say.

"Party at Fenton's house!" Dash declared and I looked over. Everyone on the field was cheering.

"Hot dog!" Danny said. "Where does he live?"

"It's your house, bonehead." Kwan said next to him. "Is he hilarious or what?"

"Free soda, a touchdown, and an opportunity to trash a classmate's living room." Sam said. "How easily the leatherjacket and pompoms' set had it swayed."

"I don't know..." Tucker said.

"Yeah..." I said. "Danny seems a little off."

Sam touched her "Save the Frogs" badge and looked at it. "Although, the residual popularity effect could work to our advantage!" Sam said with a smile. Tucker and I exchanged odd looks as she ran off with the badge. "Oh, Kwan...! You simply must wear one of these, "Save the Frogs" badges. It's all the rage."

He looked at Sam and said, "I don't know..."

"Hey..." Danny said, grabbing the badge from her. "Boss badge! Can I have one?"

He put it on his shirt and everyone started crowding around him. "Hey, I want one!" Dash said.

"Me too! I can wear it with my old army, lime green, baby tee!" Paulina agreed.

"What about me? I started this trend!" Kwan hurried over to us with a frown.

"Hang on, folks." Sam said, "Plenty more in my locker where that one came from!"

We followed Sam back into the school and headed down the hallway until Danny's locker flew open. The three of us collided into a hug and screamed in fear. "(Y/n)!" a voice called out to me and I was hiding my face behind the other two. "Sam, Tucker! In here!"

"Pointdexter...?" I peeped out from Tucker's shoulder.

"No, it's me, Danny!" I looked through the mirror, unconvinced. "Pointdexter took over my body and sent me to this bizarre spirit world."

The three of us folded our arms together. "Prove it." Sam said.

"In 2nd grade, Tucker threw up in your lunch box, but he told you Ricky Marsh did it." Danny, in Pointdexter's body said.

"What?!" She scoffed, glaring at Tucker who was trying to hold up his hands to tell Danny no. "I had to kick him off the monkey bars for me on that!" We leaned back towards him. "It was you?!"

The three of us gasped in realization and hurried inside the locker again and said, "Danny?!"

He kept placing his hands on the mirror and said, "The mirror acts as some kind of portal, but I can't phase through it." He sighed disappointingly. "Serves me right. I was only in here because I was acting like a bully, and now I'm in here and I'm going to get bullied for the rest of eternity!"

"You might not be able to get out." I said, after a moment of thinking. "But that doesn't mean that Pointdexter cant get back in."

"I doubt he's in a hurry to get back home where he came from." Tucker mentioned.

"I know how to get him in here..." Danny said. "Here's what you three need to do."

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