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"Excuse me! Did you just call me being bound to her petty?" Asked Knave, sounding incredulous.

Mendaline turned to look at him. She raised an eyebrow. "I think you are rather enjoying yourself, aren't you?" She asked, with a sly smile.

'Of course, he enjoys making my life hell!' Thought Alice.

Knave seemed surprised, though only for a moment. He shook his head. "You have absolutely no idea how hard and irritating it is, to have to watch her do crazy acts all day!" Complained Knave.

Alice looked at him. She imagined how satisfying it would be to kick him in the guts. She smiled at the idea.

"I suppose you are confusing worry, for irritation." Said Mendaline, breaking Alice from her reverie.

Knave seemed hesitant. "I do not think so!" He protested. "I mean what I said."

"Look, really hate to interrupt the whole therapy session, or whatever this is, but I am really desperate for an answer!" Said Alice, feeling tired.

"Very well! I can help you." Said Mendaline, sounding bored.

Alice felt happiness, accompanied by a little sadness.

'Why the hell am I feeling sad? I am finally getting what I want!' Thought Alice.

She looked at Knave. He had his head down, and his fists were clenched. Was he glad? Relieved to finally get rid of her? Alice could not tell.

Mendaline looked at both of them with amusement. "This is rather surprising!" She mused. "I was expecting more of a happy dance. From how the two of you were behaving, it seemed you could not wait to get rid of each other. Now, you both look as if you are not at all happy!" She observed. When both of them said nothing, Mendaline asked, "Are you sure this is what you both truly want?" She almost sounded caring.

"Yes!" Alice replied quickly, not sure if she could bear to hear Knave answer. Knave had his eyes fixed on his boots.

"Are you sure?" Mendaline asked again.

This time, it was Knave who answered, "Yes! It is what we want." 

Alice felt her heart drop. She quickly looked away.

Mendaline sighed. "Kids!" She muttered. She cracked her knuckles. "Alright you two, stand together!" She said, as she neared them. As soon as they did, Mendaline closed her eyes.

Knave grabbed Alice's hand, clasping it firmly. She let him. Alice closed her eyes, feeling as if something was being pulled away from her.

The tugging finally stopped, and Alice opened her eyes.

Mendaline was looking at both of them sadly. "It is done!" She announced softly. Alice immediately turned to look at Knave. His lips were tightly pressed together.

 "You two are now free from each other!" Said Mendaline.

Alice felt something warm trickle down her cheek. With the hand not holding Knave's, she touched her cheek and realized with a jolt, that she was crying.

"You are finally free! I suppose you cannot wait to get away from me." Said Alice.

They were both standing outside Mendaline's cave. As soon as the witch had unbound them, she had shooed them off like unwanted pets. Surprisingly, Knave had not taken offence. He had quietly walked out, leaving Alice with no other option but to follow.

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