Mission 11: The world crisis part 5: Family ties: Sparda

Start from the beginning

???: I  refuse I won't forgive myself if I leave you out here.  All I want is for you to rest in a bed for the night. That is all then if you really feel happy in a alley instead of a home;so be it.

Vergil looked into her eyes seeing she wouldn't bow down. Scoffing Vergil sheathed Yamato then spoke.

Vergil: Why do you feel the need to go through all this for someone who you know nothing about woman?

???:*smiles* With our world full of sadness I want to believe that some happiness can exist.

Vergil: How foolish...not all souls can be saved with that naive nature in mind.

???: That maybe true... but am I really more foolish than someone refusing  shelter;that they clearly don't have?

Having followed the woman to her house Vergil had stayed the night. What he thought would be a one time deal soon changed. He found himself  staying by her side  more often. Turning to months with her Vergil came to a realization. He found himself discovering love for another being.

 He found himself discovering love for another being

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Vergil: You've given me more than most ever have. It seems the more I tried to reject them the stronger my feelings became. I spent my life in search of power until this point but;I am willing to try and live this human life.

Nero's mother: Vergil....I love you with all of my heart. Ever since that day all I ever wanted was to heal your broken heart. I want to show you the good side of humanity; I'll give you my body and soul...my love.

As time passed their love blossomed further; with even a child being born. However like all things even that happiness soon passed.

Fortuna citizen: D-DEMONS ARE ATTACKING!!!!

Fortuna Citizen 2: H-HELP ME!!!

Vergil looked on in the streets seeing the horde of demons running wild  before he attacked. Slashing one down with ease  Vergil sprayed the ground in blood.

Vergil: Come you shall die.

While the demons charged at Vergil he rushed towards them and bashed one with his sheathed blade.  Fortuna's guards watched the demon smashed through a wall then Vergil scoffed. Slashing one in half Vergil hacked off another demon's head.  The Son of Sparda saw a demon going to stab him from behind then took a deep breath. When the Demon split into more Vergil formed spirit swords then  impaled the demons.

 When the Demon split into more Vergil formed spirit swords then  impaled the demons

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