Part 28 - Ghosts are Calling

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During lunch recess, Licia, Miguel and I picked a corner as far away from the noisiest mob of students as was possible in the little lunch room and munched on our sandwiches. I started to tell them about my Titanic research but they were not particularly interested, so I told Licia about my adventures with Triple Oh, including the bungie jumping episode, and how he had rescued me from the kidnappers. 

Her expression oscillated between concern and mirth so I talked quickly which seemed to make my story even less credible. When I got to Dunc, she couldn't contain her laughter. 

'You can't be serious.  You were talking to a genetically enhanced undercover duck?'

'Goose!' I shrugged angrily. Why did she make me feel stupid? 

'Miguel told me you'd believe anything.' 

Licia glared at Miguel. 'You, you . . . ' Miguel edged away as she punched his shoulder.

'But,' I added quickly before she could hit him again, 'he also said thinks you have more brains than most people, so maybe you could figure this out.'

'I think you broke something,' Miguel complained as he rubbed his shoulder. 'And, I didn't mean you would believe anything.'

'I thought you might figure out who Onderdonk was,' I said. 'Dunc said he was an agent from the Time Agency. Whatever that is.' 

'So, this dude fixes clocks.' She suddenly stopped laughing and stared at me . . .  'You two are serious . . . This is so random.   This guy, Onderdonk, told you not to tell anyone? '

'Yeah,' I agreed reluctantly, 'but I don't think he fixes clocks.' 

Licia made me repeat everything until she was convinced we were not joking and it wasn't a scam. 'I knew it! She exclaimed dramatically. 'Something curious is going on at Silverwood School.'

'Exactamenté!' Miguel agreed. 'Curious and getting curiouser.'

'Miguel,' Licia observed. 'I wish you would stop exclaiming in Spanish.'

'I will, if you'll stop claiming everything else is random or awesome.'

'Shut . . . up!' Licia snapped.

Discussing events with Licia and Miguel made me feel better. 'What do you think we should do?' I asked. 'I thought about going to the police.'

Miguel shrugged. 'They'll never believe us. I met Dunc and I still have trouble believing it.' 

'You're right,' Licia agreed.  'It is unbelievable. I don't see what we can do. If it turns out to be some kind of weird scam we will have to find some real evidence we can take to the police.'

'Changing the subject,' Licia asked us, 'do you have plans for Halloween tomorrow?  We could use the same costumes we used last year.'

'Negativa,' Miguel sighed. 'My baby brother stole my old costume and my favourite Superman costume is too small.'

Licia laughed. 'That was too small five years ago, Miguel.'

'We'll have to think of something else,' he said.

'Um,' I said. 'Do you think I could join you. I really need to collect candy to offset imminent starvation.'

'Afirmativo,' Miguel said.

'That means, yes,' Licia explained. 'Good. I love singing carols,' I said.

She looked at me strangely. 'You're weird.    Carols are for Christmas.'

'No, no. I mean Halloween carols, like, I'm dreaming of a dark Halloween, just like the Halloweens of yore. When the leaves are falling and ghosts are calling, to goblins melting in the . . . I forget, what rhymes with yore.'

Miguel snorted with mirth. 'Gore?'

'No,' Licia announced firmly. 'This is too novel. Carols are not traditional at Halloween. We would just confuse people. Let's stick to basics. If we're going trick-or-treating, we need costumes.'

None of us had any money to buy a costume.  I suggested we all wear yard waste bags. Licia thought that wearing a giant paper bag advertising the name of some store was really cheap but Miguel liked my idea. His father had just bought some. I though I could scrounge one from my neighbour, Mr Kowalchuk.   Licia would try to think of something else.

When Miguel and I got back to composing Halloween carols, Licia suggested it was time for Miguel to escort me home. I hadn't forgotten about Murga or my father but I felt much less depressed having shared my worries with Miguel and Licia.

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