Mark (GOT7)

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I was laying down on the couch, watching a drama as I heard the front door open.
"I'm home!" I heard someone shout. I immediately knew it was my boyfriend, Mark.
"I'm in the lounge room," I called out.
Mark walked into the room where I was watching the drama.
"Whatcha doing?" Mark playfully asked, tickling the sides of my waist, causing me to jolt.
"Stop, stop!" I squealed before Mark jumped up and started dancing.
"Hajima, haji, haji, haji, Hajima!" Mark sang his song. I laughed at his childish actions.
*ding, ding, ding*
My phone started to ring. I answer the call quickly.
"Annyeonghasaeyo?" I asked.
"Heyyy! Y/N?! How have you been? I've been wanting to talk to you!" My best guy friend, Rome replied.
"Oppa! It's been so long! How's Japan?"
I smiled as Rome and I talked. He had promotions for his newest song and I hadn't seen him since the teasers for his comeback were released. He had become incredibly popular and busy over the last year or so.
"Okay. Bye Rome!" I hung up the call and sat back on the couch to continue to watch TV.
"Rome? C-Clown Rome? That guy you had a thing for when we first started dating?" Mark questioned, slightly irritated.
"Yes it was Rome from C-Clown. I never had a thing for him though! We have always and will always be close friends!" I replied, also getting annoyed.
"Yeah right!" Mark scoffed, throwing one of my necklaces at the wall.
"I never had a thing for him! Why can't you just trust me on this?" I yelled.
"Because, you of all people I've dated, would be the most likely to cheat!" Mark walked out of the room.
Cheat? He said I would be the most likely to cheat? Wow... So much for respect in the relationship!

"Fine then! If you think I'm going to cheat on you... I'll just leave then!" I shouted as I stood up and grabbed my handbag and phone. I pulled out my car keys and got into the car, revving up the engine before putting my handbag on the passenger seat next to me. As the bag landed, a note fell out of a pocket. I picked it up and unfolded the page.

Written for Y/N

I stared at the top line to see my name. I had never read this letter, even though Mark had given this to me a really long time ago. I continued to read-

The day I saw you, I couldn't stay away. It was like a hallucination, only you were really standing in front of me. As soon as we became friends, everything changed. Expressing my true, genuine feelings for you was never going to be easy. That day we went to the movies together, and we accidentally touched hands when we reached for the popcorn... That's the day I knew that you were going to always be here. I can't put it well into words but... I love you Y/N! Even though we have our fights and we express how we feel physically- that will never stop me from loving you. You're mine. I love you more than anyone or anything in this world. I really, really love you!

A tear fell down my cheek as I scrunched up the note after reading it. Damn... Why does he do this to me?
I threw the note as I screamed in anger. I hate this, but I love it at the same time.
I just sat in the car, crying as I kicked the wall of the pedal space in front of me. I had suffered so much, but reading this just makes me ask myself what I was doing with this relationship.

"You should probably come back inside now," I heard a very familiar voice say. I looked up to see Mark. He put his hand out for me to grab onto. I hesitantly placed my hand onto his. He pulled me up, out of the car and he hugged me softly.
"Come on..." He whispered, taking me inside with him.

Mannnnnn this took a while. Just thought I'd do a GOT7 imagine cause I haven't done anything to do with GOT7 yet. Lately I've been writing songs, its weird but yeah.... I don't know how they are gonna sound if you put music with them but I've been focusing more on the songs than Wattpad... I'M SORRY! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this imagine. Thankssssss <3

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