Skye seemed surprised at May's words. Skye had assumed that May was just kicking her out of training, but no. She was actually going to help her.


But she didn't refuse, she just gave her a nod of her head and turned a different hallway than May. One hand gently caressed her abdomen as she slowly walked down the hallway. Everything ached, her head ached, her stomach ached, her muscles ached, her eyes sagged with exhaustion, and the temperature around her felt like seven below zero.

May slid into the doorway of the lab. Many scientists and doctors were all scurrying around, trying to complete labs and other tasks.

Jemma and Fitz were both showing new recruits around, Jemma was trying her best to be nice, but Fitz was just pissed off that he had to share the lab. He had gone up to complain to Coulson more than twice. Or at least tried to, but given his current state, he didn't get very far.

May slid passed the two scientists and made her way towards a wall covered in cabinets and a counter. She quickly hoisted herself up onto her toes as she leaned over the counter.

She opened one of the cabinet doors, half guessing on where they keep the medicine.

Multiple plastic canisters were clustered together near the left side. While plastic bottles of water filled the right side. Her eyes settled on two of the bottles. One was clear and wrapped in orange wrapping. The other was pure white, and a picture of the pill sat near the label. May grinned at the sight of the pills and snatched them up. She tucked one of the medicine containers under her armpit as she hauled herself back up on her toes to grab a water bottle with her free hand.

She closed the cabinet carefully so it wouldn't make much sound and planted both feet on the ground. May quickly exited the lab with the items and made her way to Skye's bunk.

May walked up to the doorway with the items in hand. With a quick motion May gently opened the door wide enough for her to slide in. Her eyes examined Skye's room for a moment. Clothes were splayed across the floor and a couple cups decorated her nightstand and desk. May's eyes migrated over towards Skye's bed. Where she could easily see the young agent shaking under the bundle of sheets.

May walked farther into the room as she pushed the door closed from behind.

"Your room is a mess." She pointed out as she made her way towards the bed. Skye let out a weak chuckle as she curled into a tighter ball.

"You think?" She joked. May smirked as she sat the water bottle and Tylenol down on the nightstand. Both of her hands rested on the on the Motrin as she pressed down on the lid and twisted. She pulled up, removing the lid from the bottle.

"Have you eaten anything? Crackers? Soup?"May asked as she gently tipped the bottle to the side. Two orange pills automatically slid out from the bottle and settled themselves on May's palm.

"Yeah.. I ate a few crackers once I came in here. I figured the medicine wouldn't take well with an empty stomach." Skye brought one hand up to her stomach and gave May a tired smile. May just extended her hand out towards the young woman.

"Here, take this." She ordered. "It'll bring the fever down, and once the Motrin wears off wait about fifteen more minutes before you take some Tylenol." She explained. Skye rolled her eyes as she lazily took the pills from her hand. She popped them into her mouth and held them there for a moment as she reached for the water. She quickly unscrewed the lid and brought the plastic bottle up to her lips. 

Skye took two big gulps of the water before lowering the bottle back down. She carefully screwed the cap back on before placing it back on the coaster.

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