But God had some plans, so called some astrologer said that uncle will have a girl who will become downfall to their life.

Trust me whoever it is I want to rip their head. Alas uncle believes them alot and now he is thinking that its a girl but mom had a gut feeling it's a boy.

I feel like whoever it is its their blood but they are different. So finally uncle decide to abort but the baby inside is so health that doctor refused to do that and added to that it may cause mother life as she is not strong.

"If you think like that then okay, but in our case I too want a girl a cute princess" sid said

"Still we had so much of time now shut up and concentrate" I said where my cheeks started to heat up

"I love this colour on you" sid peck my cheeks making siya go wide.

"We are at lab. Someone will come" siya slapped his arm.

Just a minute, the whole place looks so peace and calm mostly with her smile and drowsiness flew away seeing her eyes twinkle. The assurance that everything gone be fine saying by him can be seen in her radiating cheeks

"Always smile like this doll" sid kissed her forehead.

The time moved past indicating its their time to departure that with sid dropped siya at her place wishing to meet her soon with a smile radiating her eyes.

As soon as she reached there her mother weeping at corner that siya rushed towards her.

"Ma, what happen.. why are you crying" siya asked her mom leaving her bag at door way.

"I don't want to abort the baby siya" kusuma cried caressing her belly.

"Shh, stop crying ma. Who said you are going to abort..

No you are not, now stop crying" siya wipped her mother tears.

"But how can we live..

Can we bought up this child..

From where we will get money.." kusuma asked

"Didn't we live till now, like that only we will live.

We just need to put a cup of rice more that's it nothing else more.

More over by the tike he go to college my studies will be complete and he can happily lead his life in big school too. " Siya said


"Mumma, you know what with struggle we can't live and we need only for small period that's it. So don't think much and about uncle, if he wants he will live with us otherwise its up to him.

We lived happily till he came, we will love like that only even if he stay with us or not.

Moreover, your health is also important so don't think much. When baby is health and you are safe we no need to think about anything.

Whether it is a girl or boy doesn't matter okay so enjoy. Now say what you want" siya cooed her mother.

"Biryani" kusuma said with her eyes twinkle

"Done, it's still six and dad and uncle take time to come so will bring biryani and enjoy our day" siya said

"But money, I don't have even uncle count the money so can't take from it" kusuma said sadly.

"I have mom. Khushank will come in few minutes so we can have it" siya said giving juice to her mother who had low blood

"From where..

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