My eyebrows shot up when I read the song name on the screen. "The Other Side of The Door" My forehead wrinkled. That was a Taylor Swift song. And not a super well known one either. A great one, but not popular. How odd. Maybe he had it on shuffle or something.

I sat down and cracked open my novel, but I didn't get far before my phone buzzed. I tried to ignore it, but then it buzzed thrice more. I sighed, retrieving it from the front pocket of my bag. Seven texts. Two from Abby and five from the group chat with my two best friends, Reagan and Thomas. Or Tommy, as he liked to go by.

I decided to answer Abby's first. She was an impatient person.

Abs <3 : Plane boarding yet?

Abs <3 : SO excited to see youuuu!!

Sophia: not yet, almost

Abs <3 : Are you excited?! :))))))

Sophia: sure

Abs <3 : you dont sound excited >:(

  Sophia: sure!

Abs <3 : Better

I was trying to be excited, I really was. Most eighteen year old girls would jump at the chance to spend the summer on a tropical island. There was definitely something wrong with me, but who cared. All I wanted was to stay in Massachusetts.

Next was the group chat.

reagan✨: bro what's happening?

tommy 😇: how's the airport? when's your flight leave?

tommy 😇: helllooooo get your nose out of the book i know you're reading and pay attention to us!

tommy 😇: now i'm getting worried sophie

reagan✨: you're such a sap. srsly tho soph what's with the radio silence? i knew this would happen tommy she's forgotten us already

Sophia: i have not forgotten about you reagan

reagan✨: she lives

tommy 😇: you okay?

Sophia: i'm fine larsen relax. just sat down at the gate

tommy 😇: just sat down huh?

Sophia: ok i sat down 20 min ago

tommy 😇: that's what i thought

Sophia: oh hush

tommy 😇: you were reading a book weren't you?

Sophia: no

tommy 😇: which means yes

Sophia: :|

tommy 😇: i know you so well ;)

reagan✨: ew

reagan✨: get a room guys

reagan✨: please keep the flirting to a minimum in the gc im abt to hurl

tommy 😇: there was no flirting

reagan✨: whatever loverboy

tommy 😇: shut up reagan

I began to text Reagan privately. I could not believe her. I'd told her a million times— she never listened to me. Never had. Reagan and I had met in kindergarten. We were seated next to each other in classes every single year because of our last names. Richards always came right after Randall. She was super athletic, like made varsity for both field hockey and soccer in freshman year athletic. Fantastic at math, which worked out nicely because that was my worst subject. She was my ride or die. She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her.

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