Epilogue 1 - Stumbling feelings

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First off, thank you to all those who left me messages on the final chapter, here is a first thank you in 'more than words' 💜.

Curious about how Tul could go over his sister's "betrayal" ? And how it led to him opening up to Max ?

Let's dive into their messy way of caring for each others. This scene partly take place in the middle of Chapter 10 part 1, during the morning after which Tul come back from fighting with Phubet along Max.


Looking at the man coming toward him with a big goofy smile, Tul smiled contentedly. It felt good to have that smile and those beautiful eyes directed at him without any restrain.

It has been nearly two months since the ball incident and their ensuing fight. Tul had had a fair hard time coming to terms with the fact that he had been played by not only a brainless moron but also and more importantly Jane and Max.

However, seeing the sincerity in both Max's actions and words, had won him over bit by bits. And he never regretted it.

The crow black haired man had shown in every way possible that he cared for him, even going the extra mile by including Jane in some of their dates. If not, he at least made sure that she was aware of their whereabouts or inquiring for hers so that Tul wouldn't be worried.

Jane had earned another big brother, making her frustrated at times. When she didn't gush about how Max was spoiling her and how well he suited her dear brother Tul. The latter was almost whiplashed by how often she changed her tunes in a day.

They were currently at the coffee shop, down under an art gallery doing an exhibition on his favourite architect. They had spent the last 2 hours going all over the place, stepping around models to see every intricate detail and reading the artist's specific introductions. All thanks to Max who had looked for hours for their next dates.

It was perfect. Even more so because Tul knew that it wasn't Max's favourite subject but he had made the effort and had been as focused as him while visiting. It really was a wonder how he did stand it for so long.

The handsome tall man was now coming back from the washroom to Tul waiting for him with their drinks and a special pastry just for that cute glutton. The auburn man had discovered that he did like seeing Max eating as he made everything seem so delicious, especially sweet desert.

Chuckling as he saw Max's eyes reduced to two tilted crescent moons, Tul welcomed the man by his side, enjoying the grateful kiss on his cheek.

"Why am I so lucky as to have this delicious treat ?" he asked, his dark eyes flickering between the cake and Tul's eyes.

"Should I not have gotten you that extra plate ?"

"Why ? Thanks a tone for that one. But I was talking about the one currently by my side. Can't believe it's here with me." Max replied with a crooked smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Flirt." Tul replied, trying to repress his smile "Eat your cheesecake instead of spilling out all your cheesiness."

Max snorted at the forced pun, sliding one arm behind Tul's back and squeezing him tenderly before engulfing a big mouthful of his strawberry cheesecake.

"Yummy. Wanna try ?" he offered after going through more than half of it.

Tul raised an eyebrow mockingly but denied right after. He preferred to watch as he slowly drank his ice latte.

Max was as fascinating to watch as a weekend drama ; for the little Tul had seen of it. His mouth going wide as if he was going to eat a tall building, finishing with a small wave of his head when he took his bite and humming appreciatively for every morsel he ate. It was just too cute for words and almost a 180 from when he was behind his bike or a computer, playing with programs that Tul had no idea what it was used for.

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