7 - So naughty ... that I can't

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Unwittingly, Tul's gaze went down to the two lips that haunted him since then. His previous curious thoughts all came back to him.

He wanted to taste it. To know if they were as soft as they looked. Or if they tasted like strawberry with those rosy colours.

Long fingers pressed against his back. The touch pleasurably painful on his hardened muscles. Two breaths hitched, mingling as their owner got closer.


"I don't kiss drunk people."

How could Tul have forgotten that he had been rejected once already. Although then he had been under the influence of alcohol, he had barred his soul and braved his own interdiction to let himself go in an unbridled moment. Forgetting every rule he had set for years now.

But no, his brave advance had been rejected. Adding to the whole humiliating experience of that one night. And only the oblivion, given by the monumental amount of alcohol he had swallowed down, had saved him from remembering how hurt he had felt. Again.

So, memory reinitiated from a strangely repeating event, his pride hadn't let him give in anymore. He had been dismissed before, it felt right to do the same in turn. His self-esteem had to be spared somehow.

Even if his whole body had wanted to lean in.

Even if all he could think about right then had been to let go and finally take the carrot that had been hanging in front of his nose.

He had not fallen into the trap.

Tul wasn't some kind of brainless donkey. Neither was he forgiving when one had hurt him (of course Jane is the exception, why ask ?). So even though he longed to taste those welcoming lips, at the last minute, he had riped himself away from them and pushed away the sly fox that was playing with his feelings.

So why the muffin was he exactly in this situation, right now ?

It's not like he didn't have any projects to finish, or tests to prepare for next week.

But no, instead of being sensible, doing the right things, Tul was mindlessly frozen, being once more the center of attention for all to see and laugh at.

He wasn't even drunk this time !

Added to that, unbothered by his disheartening state, Tay was joyfully trying to impress that bulky junior. Said junior, was with another young man, who had yet to lose his baby fat, whom he had never properly met before. He was named Pued apparently and was looking at his sister like she was a fizzy mango flavored star. Pure adoration and want. Right in front of Tul's very eyes !

Really, what happened ?

Tul, stunned, tried to replace the succession of events.

First he had been in class. Trying desperately to erase the earlier almost kiss from his mind.

Then, surprisingly, Jane had called him and asked if she could go with some friends to their faculty's event tonight.

She had been listening to him lately and didn't even complain when he had told her that she needed to show him that he could trust her again. She had broken his trust at the opening party. Jane hadn't said anything and had promised that she would do better.

So basically calling him to let him know about her plans and even suggesting that he should come too was just what she had promised to do. And he had been really happy that she was proving herself in this way.

10 Things I Hate About You - MaxTul movie AUWhere stories live. Discover now