1 - Nothing but Trouble

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"Get your hand off me."

His voice might be low but it was firm and cold. His slender eyes did not leave any doubts in the seriousness of his sentence, hard as they were. He shook his muscular shoulder for good measure, not liking the proximity that was imposed on him.

Not at all.

But it didn't seem to get through to the woman clutching his hard biceps in her manicured hands. If anything she grabbed it harder, pressing it against her round and protuberant chest. Not too big to be obscene but very well put on display to show it off. Or rather show how well she knew to use her assets to gain what she wanted.

Which was in no way what Tul wanted !

Grunting in discomfort, mixed with a bit of disgust if he was completely honest, Tul pushed his arm further away from himself. If only he could part with it like a cloth and leave behind the leech unleashed on it ! But that was unrealistic and he could only do his best to ignore Plern.

Why did she have to choose him as her next prey ?

Tul exhaled a relieved sigh when she finally let him go upon arriving in front of his first class of the day. Luckily enough it wasn't one of the lessons she listened to. Her parting words however, provoked shivers to run down his spin, making him dread the rest of his day.

"See you later Honey." Plern purred, gluing her lavish body on his back, her hands on his waist "I will come and get you later."

Tul, absolutely frightened by the prospect of seeing the provocative woman more today, swiftly escaped the kiss she wanted to plant on his neck and fled in his room. Making all the passerby and his classmate snicker at his discomfiture.

Happy for his blank mask that was part of his basic expression on his tanned face, Tul feigned to not hear all the whispers going around. Head held high, shoulders squared and back straight, he knew his stature imposed respect. The hours at the gym and in front of his mirror had paid off. No one dared or had the nerves to speak ill of him or his sister in his face.

Leaving him in his own safe space.

Well except for obtuse people like Plern, today, and his over enthusiastic idiot of a friend, Tay. Speaking of which, the tall and slender man was watching him going to the back of the room with one of his foolish grins.

Grunting in anticipation of the incoming teasing, Tul braced himself. Tay would never leave him be after seeing someone come onto him so ... aggressively.

"Looking good today."

And here it started. Resigning himself to his doom, Tul sat on Tay's left side to his favorite seat, pulling his book on the desk.

"Is your glowing skin due to some quality time with the mantis queen ?"

"What quality time ?!" Tul couldn't help himself bark, ironically.

"Let's see." Tay trailed off, his black eyes shimmering "Our valuable Plern the Mantis is very well known for her performance in ... you know ... the bedroom sports. Who wouldn't go for such an offer ?" he smirked.

"Me." Tul answered.

As if his best friend didn't know him and his rules. Said rules of which he didn't really care about, as he was proving once again, but respected most of the time.

"Are you trying to run for national monk of the year ? Besides, no one would believe that you haven't tasted her, with how she behave." the lanky man said, his eyes crinkled with his smile "She is so persistent that you might as well yield in if she plays it right."

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