The prank and Snape's attack

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3rd Pov

When Sirius wakes up the next morning everyone has already gone to breakfast, everyone except for Remus. Remus is still lying in his bed, asleep. Silently Sirius gets dressed in his uniform. He debates whether to wake Remus or let him sleep, but eventually decides to wake him up. Remus wouldn't like it if he missed his first class. Sirius changes into Padfoot and crawls into Remus's bed.

Padfoot starts barking and licks Remus's face. "Pads, what the fuck!" Remus shouts as he wakes up from Sirius's behavior. "If you don't wake up now, you'll miss breakfast." Sirius says when he turns back. "You could've just woken me up the normal way." "But what is the fun in that Moony," Sirius teases and Remus gets out of his bed. Remus pulls his pajama shirt over his head. Sirius watches Remus's now naked torso, which is covered in scars. For some reason he can't tear his eyes away. Sirius has always thought Remus was handsome, but so he had thought of James, just in a different way. He thought of Remus in the way other boys thought of girls, but he thought of James as a brother.

"Like the view?" Remus says and Sirius gets torn away from his thoughts. He blushes a deep red and looks away. "I...uhm...let's just go to breakfast." Sirius stutters and he walks out of the dorm.


Remus is left confused by Sirius's behavior. Why had Sirius blushed and run out of the dorm? After a few minutes Remus grabs his bag and goes down to the great hall.

In the great hall he goes to sit next to Peter. He dumps some food on his plate and starts to eat. James is eyeing Snape and whispering with Sirius, that can't mean anything good. Remus turns to Moon and asks "What are they up to?" "They put a potion in his drink so his face will turn pink for the next forty-eight hours." Moon answers "Why, what did Snape do this time?" Remus asks "I don't know. Sirius came down and asked if James still had the potion, next thing I know Sirius bribed Regulus to put it in Snivillus's pumpkin juice." Moon tells. Then the potion kicks in. Snape's whole face turns pink, but not only his face, also his arms and hands. The potion had accidentally turned Snape's whole body pink.

James and Sirius were laughing so hard they didn't even notice Snape coming over to them. Remus and Moon moved over to where they were seated but before they had the change to do anything Snape had already draw his wand. He aimed it at Sirius and called out a spell. "Sectrum sempra" Snape called out and small cuts started covering Sirius's body.

James noticed and rose now too. "Undo it Snivelly!" he called out and he pointed his wand at Snape, who turned around and tried to get away only to see his way was blocked by Lily, Moon and Remus pointing their wands at Snape. "He isn't going to undo it, let's just bring Sirius to the hospital wing." Lily says and she walks up to Sirius.

"Remus give me a hand." She says as she helps Sirius up. Remus comes up to the other side of Sirius and they walk to the hospital wing, quickly followed by James and Moon.

In the hospital wing they are approached by madam Pomfrey, who appoints Sirius to a bed close by the entrance. She rushes them out and goes to work.


After they leave the hospital wing, the headmaster comes up to them. "Could you four please come with me to my office?" he asks and we follow him to the gargoyles. "Bubble gum" Dumbledore tells the statues and the open to show a staircase.

"After you" he tells us and we go up to his office. In the office Dumbledore transfigures the two chairs on the other side of the desk into a large couch. "Please sit down," he says as he points to the couch. As we sit down Dumbledore starts to speak. "I have already had a small conversation with mr. Snape, but I also want to hear your side of the storie. Mr. Potter, if you would go first."

"Yes, sir. Well Sirius and I decided to play a small prank on Snape, you know, just something innocent. So we asked someone to put that potion in Snape's drink. It was only supposed to turn his face pink, but as you probably know, I'm not that good in potions. It turned his whole body pink. Then he came over to us and pointed his wand at Sirius and hexed him." James says

"Thank you very much. Now, who did you ask to put the potion into Mr. Snape's drink? They won't get into trouble." Dumbledore assured "Well, uhm...We asked Regulus Black to do it, sir." James says after a little hesitation. "Very well, could you please get him mr. Potter. Don't worry, I only want to know his side." James nods and walks out of the office.

"Miss Evans, could you go next?" Dumbledore ask and she tells the storie. After they all told the storie James comes back with Regulus. Regulus tells his side of the storie and Dumbledore let all of them go without any punishment, except for James who gets a week of detention.

They all go to the hospital wing immediately after they leave Dumbledore's office. Madam Pomfrey lets all of them in after telling them we had to keep it quiet and could only have fifteen minutes.

In the fifteen minutes the teenagers were aloud to have they were mostly trying to figure out what to do to get back at Snape.

After the fifteen minutes are over madam Pomfrey shoed us out of the hospital wing and we all went back to the Gryffindor tower. Just before we enter the tower we stop. "Slytherins aren't aloud into the tower." Regulus says "We know, just wait here for a second, I'll get my cloak." James says and he hurries into the tower.

After James gets back he quickly covers Regulus under the cloak. They go into the common room and walk to the boys dorm.

A short chapter, I know. I am currently on vacation so I can't properly translate the story to dutch, so I'll do that once I get home. Hope you liked it!

Xx Marijke

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