Nightmares and a new Marauder

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Pov Sirius

I'm in a dark room. When I look around me, I see that it's my father's study. Next to me are Moon, Jack and Regulus. "All four of you have done something that is not allowed, and you should be punished for it." says father "Who goes first?" he asks, looking at each of us. If neither of us answers, Father speaks again. "Can't you choose?" he asks "Then Regulus goes first, we go from youngest to oldest." Father says, pointing his stick at Regulus. "Crucio" Father says and Regulus collapses in pain. I try to go to him, but it's like my feet are stuck to the ground. Then Father stops and points his stick at Jack. "Crucio" he says again and Jack also collapses. Then father points his stick at me. I feel a wave of fear go through me. Father has used the Cruciatus curse before, so I know how it feels, but it hurts terribly. "Crucio" I hear him say before I collapse on the floor.I wake up and sit up straight. I've had this nightmare before. I quietly sneak up to James and shake him awake. "James, wake up." I say softly "Wassup?" James asks slyly and he looks my way. "Nightmare?" asks James and I nod. James holds up the covers and I lay down next to him, we often do that after I've had a nightmare. "Do you want to talk about it?" James asks and I shake my head. "Good night" James says "Good night" I say back and we fall asleep again.

Pov Moon

I'm in a dark room. When I look around me, I see that it's my father's study. Beside me are Sirius, Jack and Regulus. "All four of you have done something that is not allowed, and you should be punished for it." says father "Who goes first?" he asks, looking at each of us. If neither of us answers, Father speaks again. "Can't you choose?" he asks "Then Regulus goes first, we go from youngest to oldest." Father says, pointing his stick at Regulus. "Crucio" Father says and Regulus collapses in pain. I try to go to him, but it's like my feet are stuck to the ground. Then Father stops and points his stick at Jack. "Crucio" he says again and Jack also collapses. Then Father points his stick at Sirius. "Crucio" Father says and Sirius collapses. Finally, father points his stick at me. I feel a wave of fear go through me. "Crucio" says father. I try with all my might to stay conscious, and not sink to the ground, but it's in vain. I sink to the ground, unconscious.And then I wake up. I've had this nightmare a few times before. I'm just about to wake Sirius when I notice he doesn't light his bed. Then I sneak up to James. I gently shake James awake. "What is it?" asks James, a lot less sleepy than usual. "Nightmare?" James asks as he looks at me. "Yes" I say softly "Sorry I woke you up but Sirius is not in his bed and I didn't know who else to go to." I say softly "Doesn't matter, I wasn't really sleeping anyway. Sirius isn't in his bed because he just had a nightmare too and now he's here." James says softly. "Do you want to talk about it?" James asks and I shake my head. "Will you join us?" he then asks and he holds up the covers. I climb into the bed and lie down next to James. "Good night" we say and we go back to sleep.

Pov Remus

The next morning I wake up and go to the bathroom to change. Just as I want to wake the other one, I notice that Moon and Sirius are not in their beds. I wake Wormtail and he points me to James' bed, there seem to be more people in it than just James. "Wake up!" I yell very loudly as I stand next to James' bed and I pull the covers off the bed. We were right, Moon and Sirius are in bed with James. They all wake up and give me an angry look."So much for the time to sleep." says James "Luckily have history or magic because I'm dead on." he says "Why are Moon and Sirius in your bed?" I ask "What does it look like?" Sirius asks "You seriously want me to answer that question?" I ask "I don't know." Sirius says "No, I don't want you to answer that question." says Moon "Because it's not what you think anyway." "How do you know what I'm thinking now?" I ask "Because every person our age thinks so." says Moon. "Yeah, you think we did something other than sleep." Sirius says "Sirius!" says James and he hits him with a pillow. "What?!" Sirius asks "That was absolutely not what I thought, thanks for this image that I will never get off my retina!" Remus says "Can everyone just forget about this and get on with what he or she was doing?" asks James "Strongly agree!" says Peter "James?" asks Moon "Can we talk?" she asks "Yeah sure!" says James "Alone?" she asks and James nods. "You heard her!" James yells "Get out!" he says and we all walk to the common room.

Pov Moon

"What did you want to talk about?" asks James when the boys are gone. "Remember yesterday Sirius told us we were being punished for that prank by our father?" I ask and James nods. "I know Sirius doesn't want me to tell, but I can't keep it to myself. Our father used the Cruciatus Curse on us and kicked me in the stomach too." I say "Moon, why didn't you say something sooner?" asks James. "I could have come for you." "I was afraid my father would find out, and I'm still afraid." I say and I start to sob softly. James pulls me into a hug and we sit like that for a while. Then James pulls away. "Does your nightmare have anything to do with it?" asks James. "Yes, in my nightmare all four of us were tortured by father." I say

"Did you know that the Cruciatus Curse leaves marks, like tattoos?" I ask (A/N: I know it isn't really but I liked it for the story.) "No" says James "Only the person who suffered the curse can see his or her own characters and the person who used the curse can see the marks he or she has made." I say, "They're usually in the areas that others temporarily see as bruises." I say "So those bruises Sirius has...?" asks James. "Yes, I think most are." I say, "But let's go to the great hall, we'll have class in a minute." I say and I get up.

I walk to class with the marauders, we have history or magic. When we enter the room, the ghost of Professor Binns has already flown through the board. We settle in our usual seats as far back as possible and Remus starts taking notes while Peter plays with his quill and James and Sirius lay their heads on their tables, presumably asleep. I grab my things and put them on the table and start drawing. I'm pretty good at drawing, even if I say so myself. In St. Mungo's I had a lot of time to draw, so I got better at it.

It's the end of the lesson and I made a drawing of a large black dog. Sirius. I put my things in my bag and wake James and Sirius. Together we walk to the great hall for lunch. After lunch we all have a break, so we walk to the common room."Don't you think Moon would make a perfect Marauder?" James suddenly asks "Yes, actually!" Sirius says and Remus and Peter also nod in agreement. "Then she needs a nickname!" Remus says "Yes and it should be on the Marauders map." says James "How about Dangel" Sirius asks "Yes, that sounds good!" says James and Remus nods in agreement. "What do you think Moon?" asks James "Great!" I happily say "Okay, Dangel it is!" Sirius says and puts the name on the map.The rest of the week is going smoothly. During the full moon we go to the schieking shack, we play some pranks, go to classes, play quiditch. It's actually been a pretty normal week. See you Sunday, then James and I have to go back to St. Mungo's. The Boys and Lily are starting to get suspicious and start asking more and more where we are going. I'm not ready to tell them, and I wasn't going to say anything unless I'm sick again.Together, James and I walk to Minnie's office, where we use the fireplace grate to get to St. Mungo's. When we come out of the fireplace grate, we immediately walk to the children's ward. There we see Hope and Mia standing behind the counter and we walk towards them.

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