first day of term and new quidditch team

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Pov Moon

The next days the first classes start again, the quidditch tryouts are, James is chaser again, and Sirius and I are beaters again. It is now Thursday and today is our first lesson from the new DADA professor. I wonder who it is, it tuned out that the professor only arrived last night and that's why we haven't had a lesson yet.

When we arrive in the classroom we see the new professor. "Isn't that..." I begin. "Yeah, that's fathers death eater friend." Sirius says "What?!" James says a little too loudly. "Is there a problem mister..." the professor asks. "Potter sir, James Potter." says James "And there is no problem." says James "Okay, great, take a seat." says the professor.

When everyone is there, the professor starts the lesson. "Hello everyone, I'm Professor Rosier. Some of you already know me. Unfortunately I only arrived last night, that's why the first DADA classes are today." says Professor Rosier.

The rest of the lesson is going well. Rosier doesn't really teach us how to protect ourselves from dark spells, but he mainly teaches us about how to use the curses. I don't think that's what this class is for, but yeah.

During lunch I sneak into the dungeons. Right next to the potions room there is a slightly smaller room.

When I enter the room Regulus is already there, waiting. I walk up to him and I give him a big hug.

"How are you?" I ask Regulus as we both take a seat. "I'm doing great. You?" Regulus asks "I'm well, thanks." I say "Why'd you wanna meet here?" I ask "I wanted to show you my animagus form." Regulus says "Okay, go ahead. I'm really curious." I say and Regulus turns into a fluffy red cat. "Wow, that's pretty cool." I say.

For the rest of lunch time we hang around the small room. In the room are a few cauldrons set up. Before we came to hogwarts we made a deal with Dumbledore, who had found out we were trying to make a potion to make turning into a werewolf easier and less painful, he told us that he would fund our research on just one condition. He would have unlimited excess to the potion, that way he could give children with lycanthropy a chance to go to hogwarts. We immediately agreed.

So now we spend most of our free time around the small potions room making the potion. About a year back we managed to succeed, ever since we have been in the testing phase.

After lunch I say goodbye to Regulus and have to run to my next class, which is all the way on the other side of the castle. Ten minutes late I finally arrive in class. We have Transfiguration. Minnie doesn't look all to pleased when I walk in and take the empty seat beside a Ravenclaw named Mary McDonnald. I haven't really talked to her before, I only know that she and a Hufflepuff named Dorcas Meadows hang out with some of the Gryffindor girls in my year.

In class we discuss Animagi, which I find frankly quite boring, since I helped both Lily and Sirius through their transformations and a part of Regulus's transformation when we were little. Jack had came up with the idea, but just before the preparations were done, Greyback had bitten him.

"Miss Grey" Minnie asks and I look up. "Yes?" I say "The answer to my question?" Minnie asks "Oh uhm, could you repeat the question?" I ask "I asked if you know how the process of becoming an animagi goes. You should know if you'd have read the summer reading." Minnie says "Oh, but Minnie I know that. You do a mandrake leaf in you mouth for a month, brew a drought of change, put the mandrake in the potion and drink it and to finish the transformation you say Amato Animo Animato Animagus. It has to be during a thunder storm." I say "Yes thank you miss Black. How do you know which words to say and that it has to be during a thunder storm? That's not in the book." Minnie says "Jack, my little brother, had to study Animagi for his home school course last year and got interested in it so he looked some of it up and bored me with all different kinds of facts for the next months." I lie "Oh very well then." Minnie says

After class I walk up to Remus, I had been thinking about it for a while, but I decided to break up with him. We are better off as friends I think, and I hope he does to. "Hey, can we talk." I ask him and he nods. We go to an abandoned classroom. "I just wanna say that I really care about you Remus." I say "But I think that we should break up." I say and Remus sighs. "Yeah, I kinda agree with you, since we started dating I came to the conclusion that we are really better of as friends. I'm sorry." Remus says and I nod. "Yes, me too. I was really scared you wouldn't agree on that, I didn't want to hurt you." I say "Same here, I'm really glad we talked this out." Remus says

"Let's go back to the dorms" I say and Remus agrees. We walk back together. "Is it okay with you if we tell Lily and the guys, I'd feel bad keeping this from them?" Remus asks "Yes definitely, there is nothing I would ever want to keep a secret from either Sirius or Lily. Even from James and Peter." I say

When we arrive at the common room I go up to the girls dorm and get Lily. Once we get back to my dorm I see Remus has already got the boys together. We tell them the news about our breakup and at first James and Sirius don't really seem to know what to do with the information, or who to be mad at. Then we explain how we came there and Lily tells us that it kinda makes sense since we always acted more as friends. I'm glad they all understand.

That night are the quiditch tryouts. The captain is a fifth year named Frank Longbottom, who is a keeper. James is trying out as chaser, Sirius and I are trying out to be beaters again and I also managed to convince Lily to try out as seeker.

Sirius and I go up in the air as Frank says it's time for the beaters. We smash some bludgers along with a second year and a sixth year and get down as Frank blows his whistle. Than the seekers go, Lily has to go against a third year, a seventh year and the now fifth year seeker of last year. The people that are on the grounds get the task of throwing golf balls at the wannabe seekers. Lily and the seeker of last year, who's name is Jacob Bell catch the most balls by far. Then the chasers go up. Along with James a second year, twins from sixth year, who's names are Fabian and Gideon Prewit, and two third years get up in the air.

After everyone has tried out Frank makes his decision known. "Firstly I wanna say that you all did great!" He says "But unfortunately I cannot take you all. If I say your name, come and stand behind me. The chasers of the 1974-1975 year team are; James Potter, Fabian Prewit and Gideon Prewit." James and the Prewit twins go to stand behind Frank. "As Beaters we have Moon Grey and Sirius Black, who proved to be a great duo last year and I'm sure will be this year. And as Seeker we have someone new, who I didn't even know could play, Lily Evans, you never fail to surprise me!" Frank says.

The team is great, I know all of the players already, Frank, Gideon and Fabian were in the team last year and Sirius, Lily and James are my best mates. Rumor goes that Gideon and Fabian are great prankers, but every time they pull a prank no one can trace it back to them. A few times we got the blame for something we didn't do.

A/N: I'm going to write in 3rd pov from now on because that will make it easier to let my ideas come true.

Xx Marijke

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