Living at the Potters and the last week of summer holidays

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Pov Moon

That evening we are back home and the five of us are eating dinner. "Let's paint your rooms tomorrow." says Fleamont "Have you thought about the colors yet?" "Red and Gold!" Sirius and I say at the same time. "That is obvious!" Mia says laughing. "So you want a Gryffindor theme in your rooms?" Fleamont asks and we nod. "Okay, I'll get the stuff in the morning, then we can get to work tomorrow afternoon. Get ready then." says Fleamont and Sirius and I nod.The next morning I wake up early and walk into James' room. "Wake up." I say and James wakes up. "What is it?" asks James "Let's wake up Sirius!" I say with a mischievous grin on my face. "Yeah, okay let's go." says James and he gets out of bed. "What were you thinking of?" asks James. "I was thinking of drawing a mustache on his face and then waking him up with a bucket of water." I say "Okay, you take a marker and I'll get you a bucket of water." says James and he walks off to get a bucket. I walk to the desk and grab a waterproof marker from the drawer.

Pov James

When I walk to the bathroom I grab a bucket on the way, I fill the bucket with water and walk to Sirius's room. Moon is already waiting and together we walk gently inside. Moon draws a mustache on Sirius' face and uses an incantation to make it last for 24 hours. Then I lift the bucket over Sirius's head and I walked around it. "James!" Sirius shouts "It wasn't even my idea." I say "Well in that case." Sirius says and he angrily looks at Moon. "Moon!" he calls out. "Yeah, well you just had to wake up." says Moon quasi-innocently. "And why?" Sirius asks "Because I'm hungry!" says Moon and the three of us walk downstairs.

Pov Moon

When we are down for a while and have already had our dinner, Fleamont comes in. "I got the paint, are you ready to get started?" he asks and we all walk upstairs. "Let's start with Moon." says Fleamont. "Start by covering the furniture and the floor, then I'll go get some brushes. Oh and make sure you wear old clothes, because the paint won't come out of your clothes anymore." Fleamont says, and we're all going to put on old clothes.when we have old clothes on we immediately start covering the furniture. There are four of us so it's done in no time. We all grab a brush and start painting. "When are the rest of your friends coming?" Fleamont asks. "The day after tomorrow," James replies. "I'm so glad Lily is coming too, I haven't seen her in ages." I say "Yeah, neither have I, according to Jack she's always trying to find out through him what happened and where we are." Sirius says "Why didn't you just tell her?" Fleamont asks. "Actually, I don't know." I say, "I think just because we didn't want to explain it a hundred times, so it's best we wait until everyone is here." Sirius explains. "That makes sense." James says and that ends the conversation.The next day quiet, we decorate our rooms a bit, wizards play chess, play a game of quidditch. So nothing special.In the evening an owl flies by. I recognize the owl as the one Regulus got when he started Hogwarts. The owl drops two letters, one for me and one for Sirius. I pick up the letter and read it.

Dear Moon,

I hope you're well. Mother is really mad at you, but I don't think she would come looking for you. I finally managed to turn into my animagus form. It's a red cat. Which is awesome Now I can finally be there for you during the full moon. Unless you don't want to, of course.

Will we meet again at Hogwarts, same place, same time?

Write me back soon.


"What does he say to you?" Sirius asks and we exchange letters.

Dear Sirius,

I hope you're well. Jack and I are really worried, but Lily said you guys seem okay. I really hope she's right. It's quiet and empty and boring here without you.

Will we meet again at hogwarts, same place, same time?

Write me back soon.


After we have also read each other's letter, we quickly write a letter back together that we will see Regulus again at hogwarts and that we are doing well. Then we explain to James that Regulus is now also an animagus and wants to be there for me during the full moon. We decide to discuss it with Remus when we see him again.

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