Full moon and an terrible teacher

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Pov Moon

The next morning I wake up to a splash of water on my face. When I open my eyes I see James and Sirius smiling next to my bed. "I'll kill you Sirius!" I say "Why just me and not James?" Sirius asks "It's his turn after you!" I say and I get out of my bed. "I'm going to take a shower, but when I come back I hope for you that my bed is dry again." and with these words I walk to the bathroom.I'm in the Great hall with the boys and in front of me is a plate of sausages and eggs, but I'm just poking it with my fork. "Moon the sausages are already dead." says Sirius. I slide my plate away. "I know." I say "I'm going to find Lily and pack my things." "But you haven't eaten at all!" says James "I'm not hungry." I say "No big deal!" I get James, I was very sick as a child. James hasn't left my side for a second, but somewhere the disease is still inside me, you can't heal from it. "I'll walk with you." James then says and I sigh. "Okay, are you coming?" I ask, James gets up and we walk out of the great hall.

"James?" I then ask "Yes, what is it?" he asks "I didn't tell Lily and Sirius." I say "What not?" asks James. "From that illness when I was little. So don't tell them, I'll would like to do it myself if I need to." I say "I'm not saying anything. But are you okay, you look like a wreck." says James. "It's all right, James. If it's not over by Wednesday, we're going to St. Mungo's, okay?" I ask "I'll hold you to that." James says and we continue to the common room.

We are sitting in the main hall for lunch when Regulus approaches us. "What is it, Reg?" I ask "Dumbledore wants to see you." says Reg "Okay, I'm coming." I say and I walk with Reg. "Are you feeling alright?" asks Reg "What do you think Reg, it's the full moon." I say. We are in front of Dumbledore's office and I say the password. We walk upstairs and knock. "Come in." we hear from the other side of the door and we walk in. "Mr. and Mrs. Black, sit down, please. I think you know what this is about?" Dumbledore asks. "I have a hunch it's about tonight." I say, "That presumption is correct." answer Dumbledore "What are you going to do tonight?" "I'll be going to the forbidden forest and change there, I'll go in deep so I won't get close to the school. I will leave around six o'clock, because the moon is up around nine o'clock, so then I have three hours." I say, "Okay, then you can eat in the kitchens before you go. I think Mr Potter can show you how to get there." Dumbledore says. "You can go again, I think class is about to start."

As we walk into the great hall I say goodbye to Reg and walk back to the boys and Lily. "What did Dumbledore want from you?" asks James. "Nothing special, just some unanswered questions that he needed the answer to." I say and with those words everyone seems to be satisfied. "Oh and James, he also said you could show me the kitchen because that's where I'm having dinner tonight." I say, "I'll take you there after classes." says James. "Speaking of lesson, we're late." says Remus "What do we have?" I ask "Professor Smith's Defense Against the Dark Arts." says Lily "Professor Smith you say?" I ask "If it's who I think it is we shouldn't be late, right Moon?" says James "Let's go fast!" I say and we run to class.

When we stand in front of the room, we open the door. "Sorry we're late, professor." says Lily "Names?" says Professor Smith "Lily Evens, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black-" Lily starts but she is interrupted by James "But you know us, right?" he asks. "Or have we not left a great impression?" I ask quasi-innocently "Potter and Grey, in the front of the class!" she says "What have we done now?" I ask "You disrupted the class by being late!" the professor shouts across the class "But they did too!" James calls pointing at the rest. "Go and report to the headmaster!" exclaims Smith "With pleasure!" and James walks away.

"What was that good for, he only gives you facts!" I yell "Go and-" Smith begins "report to the headmaster, I know you always say that!" I shout and I leave. I walk towards Dumbledore's office and see James already there waiting for me. Yeah, now you're probably wondering why he's waiting, we had Smith in elementary school too, and we were never kicked out separately. "I thought you wouldn't come anymore!" says James "Smith really hates us, this is going to be the hardest year of her entire life, isn't it?" I ask "Yes of course, but are we going to report or are we just going to have some fun, after all this was our last lesson. I can already show you where the kitchens are." James says. "Let's do that then, I don't feel like being punished." I say and we walk towards the kitchens.

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