I got in my car and pulled right off. I didn't want to go home because Madison is there, the shop is full of aggravating bitches, and I don't know where else I could go.

My phone started ringing and I looked down. Kayleigh? She must want her hair done or giving me an update on Kay. I answered "hello"

"Hey. Katorah is here" Kayleigh say

"Ari" my stomach fluttered. I really hope I don't throw up

"Kay" I say

"I'm guessing you didn't get it" Kay ask

"I didn't" I say "and I know how you feel. It'll be gone don't worry"

"I was thinking. I want you to have my baby" Kay say "if you don't mind"

"Why" I ask

"Fuck you mean why" Kay ask

"Why should I keep this baby" I ask

"Ari I feel some way about you" Kay say

"What way" I say

"I don't know. I want you to keep it" Kay say

"You have a ten year sentence" I say

"I might take a plea eight years" Kay say

I rolled my eyes "so, what the fuck my child is going to know your voice and see you in eight years"

"No maybe like five. Good behavior" Kay say "I got hope" and I don't know why

"Hell no man" I say "that's selfish"

"Tell me you don't want that baby and I'll never bring it up again" Kay say "you abort it and we forget all about it"

Where is this coming from? She was just team abortion and now she wants me to have it because she feel a way about me

The night before she got arrested was nice. I felt secured. I really did enjoy it. I thought about it. A happy little family. My family

Too good to be true. I like Kay. No matter how much I try to hate the bitch I can't. I don't know what it is "Katorah you are in prison. It's not a few months thing you have years man. Ten years"

"You didn't say it" Kay say

It's not that hard. I've been saying it since I found out "I don't want it"

"Abort it then" Kay say "any papers you need signed give em here or I can get Dominique to sign them"

"Are you upset" I ask

"No. I already told you" Kay say "my full support"

"Thank you for understanding" I say. Whether she understood or not it's just not happening

"Fasho" Kay say "I gotta ask"

"What" I heard a noise

"Can you hear me" Kay ask but it sounded muffled

"Kinda" I say

"Fuck! That's time. I love you Kayleigh" Kay say

"I love you too" I forgot she was there. I smiled. Ive never heard her say that. Although it wasn't towards me I liked the fact she made sure she told her before the call disconnected. Now she knows about this thing. Too many people was finding out about this pregnancy. It was a loud annoying sound "Ari are you there"

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