Chapter 6 -- Finally Back

Start from the beginning

The end of school bell rang and Caroline was walking to the girl's changing rooms to get ready for practice. Once they were all changed and in the gym Caroline spoke to them all.
"Ladies I hope you had a good summer. We're going to really bring it up a notch this year because I think we need some real team spirit. Okay! Let's get started." Once she finished the team cheered and they started to stretch.

"Make sure everyone stretches properly I don't want anyone hurt in our first day back. Today we're going to run through two of the drills we did in the summer just so we're back in shape." After that everyone was training under the careful supervision of Caroline and the captain of the team got some practice in too.

An hour later it was the end of extracurricular activities and everyone changed and said goodbye to Caroline, heading home. Caroline instead went back into the gym and made sure everything was back in place correctly before locking the gym for Tanner(the coach) and bringing him the key.

When she went to Tanner, Tyler was also there and he looked ready to leave aswell.
"Here's the key back Mr Tanner." She said with a smile.
"Thanks Caroline. How was practice?" He asked her curiously.
"Some people are a little stiff but that's expected on the first day back. Everyone will be fine by tomorrow." She replied happily. Tyler just watched the conversation and thought that Caroline could really get along with anyone.

"Are you heading out Ty?" Caroline suddenly asked him.
"Yeah Care, I just finished up." He replied to her a little surprised.
"Let's head to the parking lot together then." She said motioning for Tyler to follow her which he did. The both said by to Tanner and left.

"How was your summer?" Caroline asked him nicely.
"It was pretty good. You?"
"It was very good. I had a lot of fun."
"You seem closer to the Gilbert kid."
"Yeah he's like family."

There was a pause in conversation and then Caroline looked over to Tyler with a smirk.
"So... Vicki Donovan hey?" She questioned teasingly.
"Yeah Yeah Care. Quite with the teasing."
"You be nice to her okay. I know better than anyone that your anger can take over pretty easily."
"I know, I'm working on it."
"Do you need any help?"
"I think I'm good at the moment."
"This morning with Jeremy said otherwise."

Tyler sighed sadly and responded with I know. He explained to her that he just can control it and it feels like it comes out of nowhere. By now they were just stood in the parking lot talking. She just nodded and listened to him speak.

"I'm not going to have to give you the respect women talk right? That's supposed to be your dad's responsibility. Not like anyone ever does it."
"The what? Respect women talk?"
"Oh my gosh. Okay I'll do a shortened but informative version."

Caroline took a deep breath and Tyler prepared himself for what she was about to say.
"Okay don't interrupt okay?"
Tyler nodded.
"If it's not an enthusiastic yes don't fuck her. If she says she's not comfortable listen to her and back off. Talk to eachother and communicate your feelings respectfully and calmly. Support her when she needs it. Don't freak out about periods, if she needs pads or tampons buy them for her. And for God's sake give her a hot chocolate and a water bottle. You get all that?"
"I'm pretty sure. If not definite yes then no. Communicate. Support when she's on period. Got it." Tyler repeated.
"Yes now if you need any advice come to me. Don't steal her food. I might be the only woman willing to share food. If you ever need me there physically to help you. Remember I'll always try my best to help you. Now let's go home." She gave him her number just in case and the both headed to their cars to go after he thanked her.

'Hopefully now Vicki doesn't have a  scary experience against a tree.' Caroline thought when she was driving to Enzo's place. She had successfully changed two things that she absolutely hated in the show. The toxicity of Tyler and Vicki's relationship and Jeremy and Vicki's relationship as a whole.

Caroline got to Enzo's apartment, unlocked the door with her key and saw him drinking a blood smoothie she taught him to make.
"Hi babe how are you?" He turned to her after she greeted him.
"Hi Angel. I'm all good. How was practice?" He asked with interest genuinely wanting to know about her day. With a huge smile on her face she described her day and her conversation with Tyler.

After a little while they ate together and decided to play go fish which was one of the games she taught him. For once Enzo actually ended up winning, that made both him and Caroline very proud.

"Okay I have to go now. I'm meeting Bonnie and Elena at the grill." Caroline said grabbing her bag.
"I thought you didn't really like Elena that much." Enzo asked confused, hugging her from behind.
"I'm not fond of her but Bonnie is my best friend so I'll deal with it." She replied exasperatedly, turning around and placing a kiss on his lips which he happily returned.
"Now I better go or I'll be late." She opened the door, gave him a kiss on his cheek and left after they both said by.

Ten minutes later she arrived at the grill and sat down at Bonnie's table.
"Have you heard about the new guys Care?" Bonnie asked eager to know about the subject of Elena's attraction.
"What? No hi Caroline. Or hey Care what've you been up to. Anyway his name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore Boarding House. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot. He's a Scorpio , and his favorite color is blue." She answered after sassily greeting her best friend and correct one of the wrong bits of information from the original script.

"You got all that in one day?"
"Oh please I got all that between third and fourth period. Always good to know about new studants. Especially when someone you know is interested in them." Caroline took a sip of Bonnie's milkshake, raised her eyebrows and looked towards the door Elena and Stefan were just walking through. Looking towards the direction Caroline's gaze was looking Bonnie giggled and agreed with he best friend.

They saw Matt awkwardly greet the two coming in and looked at eachother feeling kind of bad for him. Hoping he'd get over her soon.

"So, you were born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline interrogated.
"Mm-Hmm. And moved when I was still young." He responded calmly.
"Parents?" Bonnie asked simply.
"My parents passed away."
"I'm sorry. Any siblings?" Elena questioned with empathy.
"None that I talk to. I live with my uncle."
"So you do have siblings?" Caroline pushed.
"Yeah. An older brother called Damon."
"So, Stefan, if you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow." Caroline casually mentioned to the new boy, checking her nails.
"It's a back to school thing at the falls." Bonnie kindly continued for her.
"Are you going?" Stefan directed towards Elena, waiting for her answer.
Before she could reply she was interrupted by Bonnie.
"Of course she is."

After conversing more the group decided to part ways and head home.

Once Caroline got home she had a shower, changed into her pyjamas and did her night time routine. She texted Enzo for a bit and they said goodnight to eachother. After her busy first day it didn't take long to fall asleep.

Waking Up As Caroline From The Vampire Diaries Where stories live. Discover now