Chapter 24

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"This place is nice as hell

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"This place is nice as hell." Yoongi hums as the group of seven file into Nari's apartment.

"Isn't this illegal?" Hoseok raises an eyebrow.

"We're not breaking and entering, technically." Namjoon points out. "We have a key."

"Exactly." Taehyung beams. "Come on, help me put these up."

He passes around the supplies Elisa gave him and the group of them make quick work at decorating the apartment. They have balloons, streamers, confetti, all the birthday party essentials.

"Thanks for doing all of this." Taehyung says, addressing the group while they set up. "I know Elisa really appreciates it."

"Yeah, of course." Jin smiles. "It's the least we can do."

"I miss performing, so I don't mind." Jimin shrugs.

"Same." Jungkook nods. "Plus, noona has always been good to us. One favor won't hurt."

"Speaking of Elisa.." Hoseok interjects. "Did they ever find out who attacked her?"

Taehyung nods. "The detective called two days ago. He's been in contact with HYBE and he found out that one of them is on our blacklist of saesangs. She used to be one of my fansites."

Even just saying those words make Taehyung shudder in disgust. He can't believe someone who claims to be such a huge fan of his would attack his soulmate like that. But then again, she was blacklisted for a reason.

"That's fucked up." Yoongi shakes his head.

"Do they have them in custody yet?" Asks Namjoon.

"Not yet." Taehyung sighs. "But he promised he's looking for them. Even just leaving her alone with Nari makes me nervous, you know? What if they find her again?"

"They wouldn't dare now that the police are looking for them." Jimin points out. "I mean, their faces are all over the news."

"Yeah, but still." Taehyung pouts. "I just don't want anything to-"

He pauses when he feels a buzzing in his pocket. Taehyung pulls out his phone, seeing a text from Elisa herself.

"Guys, they're in the elevator. They should be here any minute now."

They all scramble to get in their positions. Jungkook toggles with his phone, pulling up a playlist of instrumentals he put together for this occasion.

"You all remember the 'setlist', right?" Taehyung teases, making exaggerated quotation marks with his fingers.

"Yes, Taehyung." Jin rolls his eyes, a hint of a smile on his lips.

At the same time, they hear voices coming down the hall. Taehyung nods his head towards Jungkook, signaling him to put the music on.

"Wait, so you're telling me you made me come all the way to the park for no reason-"

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