➽Chapter 24

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T/W: mentions of blood


Y/N WAS STANDING ALONE INSIDE A empty parking lot far from where the festival is being held at, he looked around and noticed that no one has ever showed up ever since he arrived

He pulled out the piece of paper to check whether he got the location right,  his eyerbows furrowed when he was indeed in the right location where the dispute will took place

But.. Where is everybody?

“Aniki! Where are you!?” a boy whos wearing a yukata came running towards the parking lot and not looking where he's going to causing for him to bump into Y/n

“Ouch!.. I'm sorry sir, I wasn't looking.” the boy said as he stood up rubbing his sore forehead

“It's fine, just get out of here real quick-”


Y/N instinctively pulled the boy behind him and covered him with his arm protectively, while the other holds onto the handle of his katana just in case someone lunged at them

“Stay close to me.” Y/n said as he watched two..No, fifteen moebius member walk towards them

“Sir...who are they?” The kid asked while holding onto the white fabric of Y/n's yukata, his green hues shaking in fear as the moebius gang keeps getting closer

Y/N ignored the kid's question and noticed at the corner of his eye that there's an small gap on the fence, it was enough for the child to go through, he turned to face the kid who's eyes never left the other gangsters

“Kid, behind you there's a a fence, when I say run you run okay? And escape through that hol-”

“WATCH OUT!” the kid yelled once he saw one of the moebius member swung his wooden bat, hitting Y/n straight in the face causing for him to fall down

“Well that was easy..” The male said while huffing as he swung his bat over his shoulder and turned to look at the kid who's eyes widened in fear

“Huh? Who the fuck are you?” he asked while walking closer to the kid who ran beside Y/n's unmoving body

“The fuck you think you are ignoring me, Huh?!” he grabbed the kid by the collar of his yukata and dragged him to the middle and threw him across the floor

As he was about to reach out to the kid and probably toy with him until he's satisfied, the should of katana unravelling echoes throughout the entire parking area causing for him to stop and slowly turn to face Y/n who was now gone from where he was lying before

The kid's eye widened when he saw Y/n standing behind the buffed man and swings his katana down to his neck

He closed his eyes as he does not want to witness a gruesome murder right in front of him, but he felt no blood splattering on him

He flinched when he felt something pressed against his face, he opened his eyes and noticed that he was staring into holes

He reached up and felt a wodden mask on his face.

“Stay here and close your eyes, no matter what happens.” Y/n said as he covered the child with his white haori so that he won't be too soaked from the rain

Luckily, before he leaves Mai's place Amane suggested to cover half of his face with a bandage so that when someone took of his mask they won't entirely figure out his identity

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