➽Chapter 18

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Haha fluff goes brrrr-


  THE SOUND OF PENCIL SCRAPING AGAINTS the notebook echoes around the dimly lit room where the only light source was a small lamp that was neatly placed at the corner of the table surrounded by Y/n's unfinished homeworks

He's sitting on his chair while scribbling down notes that he would be needing for the upcoming test and to help him distract himself from what's happening right now


His cat jumped to his lap and laid there while looking up to her owner, sensing the stress that was practically emitting from the male and gently placed her paw on top of Y/n's wrist causing for thin to stop writing so furiously

“Sorry.” Y/n apologised as he starts caressing her beautiful snowy colored furr making her purr and rub her head against his palm in an affectionate way

“Am I stressing you out too?” Y/n softly asked as he leaned on his chair and stair at the ceiling with a bored expression

“I don't know what to do anymore, snow.” Y/n said as he sighed deeply as the cat continue to purr

Y/n stood up and placed his cat down to his bed and head towards the window where he could see as view of the city, he sighed as he remembered what happened yesterday

“They better be fucking regretting it.” Y/n grumbled under his breath as he closed the drapes and was about to continue his work until the door bell to his apartment rings

Groaning loudly, he lazily dragged his feet towards the front door and opened it

“I..seriously thought you wouldn't answer.”

“What are you doing here, Sano?” Y/n asked coldly as he leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed and giving Mikey a cold harsh glare, he also noticed how Draken was not with him which made him raise an eyebrow

“Can you atleast hear me out?” Mikey said as he chewed in the insides of his cheeks since he could feel his ego and pride deflating by how Y/n is looking at him

“Why would I? You didn't even let me explain myself.” Y/n snapped back causing for mikey to flinch with how harsh he sounds


“Goodbye, Sano.” Y/n didn't let Mikey finished his sentence when he slammed the door to his face and locked it before going back to his work

As Y/n was working on his homework he heard the pitter-patter of the rain on his window followed by thunderstorms

He grew hungry from all the work he just did, he made his way towards the kitchen where he pulled out a instant ramen and decided that would be his dinner for today since he's too tired and lazy to cook something healthy

While waiting for the water to boil, he couldn't help to but throw glances at his door.

There's something that's making him want to hi to his door and open it, he kept trying to tell himself that he's just hungry..

“Fuck it.” Y/n said giving up as he went towards his door, he peeked on the peephole and saw no one which made him calm down a bit

Slowly opening the door, his eyes widened when he saw mikey leaning on the wall opposite to his door, Sleeping in a uncomfortable position

He was hugging himself while scrunching his face from time to time, Y/n took noticed of the cold temperature outside his room which made him shiver as well

His cat Snow, went out and nudge mikey on the back of his hand before turning to Y/n

Sighing, he opened his door and went to carry Mikey inside his room where the male immediately snuggled to him due to the warmth his body was making

He struggled to close and lock the door since he was carrying the blonde male with both hands

He gently laid mikey on his bed since the living room couch was probably the worst bed he would lay someone who's clearly freezing

Once mikey felt the warm covers he immediately made himself cozy making Y/n roll his eyes, but somewhat felt a small tug on the corner of his lips as he look at Mike's sleeping figure

Clearing his throat, he went out to check on his food.

“Why did he stayed..?” Y/n asked himself as he pour hot water on the cup and covered it to cook

He leaned on his counter while crossing his arms as his eyes stare at the door to his room where mikey is currently sleeping

After eating and washing all the utensils he used and throwing the cup away, he slowly went back to his room to finish his remaining works.

He felt his heart made a flip when he saw Mikey and Snow sleeping together, the cat was beside mikey.

Unknowingly, he kneeled beside his bed and reached out his hand to remove a few strands of mikey's blonde hair away from his face then slowly moved away when he realised what he was doing

Before he could even move away he felt a hand grabbed his wrist, turning his head to look at mikey he saw how the male was still asleep

“S...stay..” Mikey mumbled as the bottom of his lips began to tremble

He was having a nightmare.

Y/n sighed softly as he sat on the bed beside mikey while holding his hand, he gently caresses the back of his hand while giving mikey a few glance

'What the hell should I do, now?'

༺𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐄  •||• ᵗᵒᵏʸᵒ ʳᵉᵛᵉⁿᵍᵉʳˢजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें