➽Chapter 10

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TAKEMICHI AND NAOTO was on their way where they would meet Mikey since that was Takemichi's request before going back to the past

Takemichi have managed to contact his high-school friend Sendou Atsushi or also known as 'Akkun' according to Takemichi

Once they reached the tall buildings, Takemichi was the first to enter saying something about their friendship not changing so easily

After a good minute of being awkward in the lobby they were finally lead towards where Akkun was supposed to be..

Takemichi was sitting on the sofa while holding a glass of beverage, shaking and sweating bullets.

"Behind you.". A familiar voice said catching their att9as the two both turned their heads around and there they saw Sendou Atsushi or known as Akkun sitting on a Sofa arms filled with tattoos



While Takemichi was back in the present, Y/n in the past was fuming with rage as he glares at his report card

"Hey.. He's been staring at his card for the past ten minutes is he.. Okay?" One of his classmate asked while nudging the other person sitting right beside him

"Probably disappointed at his grades, must be a first timer." One of them shrugs as they decides to ignore the male who's about to rip the piece of paper in half as he storms towards the principals office

"How can I hel-"

"WHY DID MY A+ TURNED INTO AN A-?!" He didn't let the principal finished his sentence as he slammed the card ontop of his table startling the poor old man who clutched his chest

"Well.. I think you should speak about this to your homero-" once again the principal failed to finished his sentence when Y/n slammed his other hand on the table

"Let's calm down, yeah?" The principal said as he tried to sort our his crumpled shirt due to his intense clutch

"Eherm, I was told that you L/n-san have missed three exams and a few classes and that you ditched class along with your friends and an underclassmen that goes by the name Hanagaki Takemichi." The principal said pulling out a report paper that came from Y/n's homeroom teacher

"Ditched? WHAT ARE-.. What are you talking about, I was practically dragged away from school against my will." Y/n said in disbelief as he threw both of his arms up in the air while scoffing

Oh he was so gonna kill Mikey and the rest of the gang who practically dragged him away, including his brother and Mai..

He grabbed the card and left the office while shutting the door with force startling the others who's near the office

He tucked the card inside his book and tossed it inside his locker while glaring at the piece of paper his brother gave him before he was dropped off

He never opened the paper to read it, he just didn't actually care on what's on the piece of paper. Its not like it's gonna be important, hell it will be probably a drawing of a penis since he sent one to Akiyoshi before.

He heads out of the school and made his way towards the opposite direction where his house is, his head hung low as he tried to not step on the crack on the ground..

"Hey, Hey, Where's the fun in that?"

He stopped when he heard voices coming from the alleyway

"Hah?! What do you mean you won't buy us drinks?!"

Y/n was frozen in his place when one of them comes out and noticed him staring, The male smirked turned to look at their 'boss'

"Yo, Look." He said while showing the baseball bat he was hiding behind his back

Y/n tried to take a step back when suddenly his back collided with someone making him turn and his eyes widened when he saw draken standing there glaring at the group along with Mikey who's eating sweets

"Yo, N/n-chin." Mikey greeted while smiling

Y/n heard shuffling from his back and turned to see the group running away while stumbling and practically face planting

"k, bye." Y/n said as he turned to walk away but of course that wouldn't happen since Mikey walked beside him and draken placed his arm around his shoulder

They looked like two delinquents bullying a poor nerd who just wants to go somewhere.

"Sano- God damnit, Draken get your arms off of me!" Y/n said shrugging Draken's arm off who merely chuckled before completely removing his arms

Y/n took a sigh of relief until he stumbled forward nearly face planting when suddenly Mikey jumped on his back and wrapped his arms and legs around him like a damn koala

Y/n had to choice but to hold the bottom of his thighs to support his weight, his glasses hang loosely at the bridge of his nose as he clicked his tongue

"Hey mikey?"


"I'm dropping you off that bridge."

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