One Feather at a Time

29 3 0

AU: Feathered AU

TW: Some sides seem unsympathetic, they aren't but it seems that way. Hurt no comfort

WC: 1592

Date: 8/8/2021

"The feather will help ease your pain, but you should seek more specified help if you would like to be cured of your ailments long term."

"Yeah, sure, of course."

Logan had told himself he wouldn't make a habit of giving out his feathers, he knew that they had power in them, but he found himself unable to stop the gesture of goodwill. Every time a traveler would stumble upon his house, seeking aid, he would be suffocated by the pull of compassion. It was in his nature to be kind, though he hoped to educate at the same time. This, however, wasn't the first time that a traveler brushed his knowledge aside. Many before had stumbled upon his humble shack, seeking refuge and finding a miracle. He would consistently tell them that his feathers could only help temporarily, that they weren't a permanent cure but an outline for proper treatment.

They didn't listen.

It bristled his feathers to know he wasn't listened to; he knew they meant nothing by it, relief from pain made people careless. Still, he hoped that eventually, someone would take his lessons to heart.

Traveling in these lands was dangerous, trying to get from one place of civilization to another was a perilous journey, and Logan understood far too well how difficult it could be for someone to make their way to a safe town. That was why, despite his convictions, he gave away his feathers to those in need, because everyone deserved a helping hand.

"Oh wow, I'm already feeling a lot better. This is amazing kiddo, that's quite the talent that you have there."

Even if this traveler didn't listen it was nice to be complimented. Logan puffed up with pride, smiling wide in his happiness. Comments like this made each lost feather worth it.

"I hope this wasn't too much of a Bird-en!" He shouted with a wave as he walked away. Logan deflated.

Was the compliment meant to be just a joke? Was that all he was worth? A poorly constructed pun as the person he helped walked away to return to their life? They were going to fall ill again when the feather's magic ended.

No one listened, and he was mad.

Logan sighed, allowing melancholy to overtake him. He didn't give out his feathers because he wanted recognition. Praise was not his goal, but it would have been nice. He just wanted to hear someone thank him for what he was doing, the things he was giving up so that others could make it to safety.

His wings curled in, trying to protect him from the rejection and the loneliness, though it was an illogical and useless effort. Those were not feelings Logan could shelter himself from externally, no matter how hard he tried, and he did try. He hid himself in books about the stars; He hid himself in gardening techniques and proper schedules; Logan hid himself from a world that he refused to admit wanted nothing more than to use him and leave him aside. With the traveler gone, Logan hid again.

Pulling his wings closer to himself, he ran his fingers over the feathers. They had grown thin over the years, barely sheltering him from the cold. It was going to be a rough winter.


The winter came, leaving Logan feeling a cold that clung to his bones, deep and throbbing. He ignored it, attempting to warm himself by a fire, re-reading his favorite books, and simply existing. As travelers came he would offer them food, warmth, and shelter. If they desired he was even willing to offer them conversation, though very few were willing to take him up on that offer. Word of his magic feathers had spread, a rumor that many people sought to find the truth behind.

Sanders Sides AU AugustWhere stories live. Discover now