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Start from the beginning

But she still did not want to believe it, even tho she had heard the sincerity behind Kylo's words. They didn't sound fake. And that was the part that Eliora hated the most. She didn't want to be a part of all of this. She didn't want to be the daughter of a war hero. She didn't want to be involved in their family, Eliora just wanted to be a normal pilot with a normal family. The words sounded ridiculous in her head, why would she even have to care about this, she was so sincere that something like that would never happen.

Kylo Ren stepped forward, only one step, but it was enough for Eliora to stumble back. She almost slipped on the white snow, but the girl caught herself in the last moment. "I can sense your doubt.", Kylo Ren continued speaking. She didn't want to hear it, but she could not escape it. "But it is the truth. Your parents abandoned you on Tatooine when you were young. They left you with Sola, or am I wrong?" Her eyes widened at that. How did he know? "She was a good friend of my parents too, you know? I liked her a lot." Eliora felt anger built inside of her. "She was gone for a few days, said she went to the market, right?", Kylo asked further. Eliora swallowed. It was the truth.

"She didn't. She abandoned you, too. They are afraid of what you would be able to do." Kylo Ren laughed. "No one ever cared for you, Delilah." She still wanted to believe Kylo Ren was wrong, but hearing the name fall from his lips made Eliora's body shiver. She had heard the name before. And by that, she knew Kylo wasn't lying. He couldn't have known.

From the moment Eliora walked into her office, Leia's eyes were widened. Eliora wondered why. She looked at the middle aged women. She was beautiful, beyond that. Her hair was still brown, put into a beautiful hairstyle. Leia's eyes were big brown ones, looking almost exactly like Eliora's. And the General just stared at Eliora. "Delilah?", she whispered, which made Eliora's eyebrows furrow. She bit her lip, watching as Leia was still staring at her. "Oh no, my name's Eliora.", she smiled, offering the General her hand. "Leia Organa.", Leia answered smiling softly at the girl.

Kylo could feel her thoughts, it was so easy. They were too loud. He could hear them perfectly and he didn't even have to try. "Yes, Delilah. That's your name.", he smirked. "Leia knew. She didn't tell you either. She didn't care for you either." Eliora gritted her teeth at that. It made sense. Leia knew. "Han did, too, Maz also knew. They all lied to you." Her brown eyes were wide from shock. She couldn't talk, she couldn't think properly. Kylo took a step forward again, his lightsaber still tight in his hand. Eliora couldn't defend herself if he would strike her down. She couldn't think of defense in that moment. Her mind was too focused.

"Let anger consume you, yes.", Kylo spoke. She didn't want to, but the more the man talked, the harder it was for her to avoid the anger. It was boiling inside of her, waiting to be set free into her veins, into her mind. But it didn't yet. She fought too hard for it to happen. "They lied to you! They all did! You were the reason Poe was tortured.", he continued pressing. He thought he was succeeding. "No one ever loved you, but guess what, I did. We were close when we were younger. I loved you dearly." At the term love, Eliora's hands balled into fists.

It was clear as water what Kylo Ren wanted to reach by making Eliora angry. Angry at the resistance, angry at everyone. He wanted her to think of the people she loved to be the villains. He wanted her to join him. She was the only way left to Luke Skywalker and he wouldn't let this opportunity slip though his fingers like sand. He would fight for getting him back and then killing him. He did not want to take the risk of fighting Eliora, because he knew that she was already strong with the force. He needed her alive and well, needed to capture her. Get her willingly captured.

"You were my cousin. Like a sister to me. We used to play outside on Yavin 4 together.", he continued. She shook her head in disbelief. This couldn't be the truth. "We used to go swimming together in the lakes of Naboo.", he continued, a smirk playing on his lips. "You were someone really important to me and when I found out that your parents abandoned you, I wanted to find you. I couldn't, I was just a child." He bit his lip. "But then I continued my search for you. And now, here I am, standing in front of my dear cousin. Come with me, have someone who truly loves you."

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