《Chapter 3》

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The next morning, Wang Yibo groaned in frustration as he heard a loud voice roaring beside him.
Mr. Wang tried to remove the duvet away from his son who was reluctant to wake up.
"Yibo, I'm having a client meeting at 10 AM."
"Then why are you disturbing my sleep?" Wang Yibo mumbled, his eyes still closed.
"The client has requested your presence."
"... Huh?.... Why?"
"How am I supposed to know? Now stop sleeping like a pig and get up."
Mr. Wang dragged his son from the bed and escorted him to the bathroom.
"Be quick. It's almost 9:15. We need to reach before him."
Wang Yibo nodded his head hesitantly and proceeded to brush his teeth. Tsk… What a pain in the ass.
Mr. Wang and his son were now seated in a VIP room at a fancy restaurant, waiting for the arrival of the client. Wang Yibo twitched in annoyance and tapped his feet impatiently.

 He was so ready to complain when a tall, slender man with an air of elegance and power entered the room

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He was so ready to complain when a tall, slender man with an air of elegance and power entered the room. His eyes widened in horror as the familiar face approached them.

   "Sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen

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 "Sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen." A deep yet sweetly exotic voice spoke.
"No, you're on the dot. We were a bit earlier. Take your seat, Xiao Zhan."
Xiao Zhan smiled sweetly at the two men in front of him. And he relished the look of shock on the younger Wang's face, while smirking internally. Wang Yibo returned the smile but he could clearly make out the mischievous glint in Xiao Zhan's eyes.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Xiao." Wang Yibo extended for a handshake.
"The pleasure is all mine, Wang Yibo." Xiao Zhan gripped the younger's hand in his large palms. A smirk flashed across his lips but he immediately schooled his expressions. Wang Yibo caught the little smirk and narrowed his eyes.
During the meeting Wang Yibo's eyes darted towards Xiao Zhan. He was entranced by the man’s dark eyes, high cheekbones, sharp jawline, pink plump lips and the sexy mole that rested beneath his lips. The beauty of this man was enough to have his gut twist with an unknown feeling. The mature vibe around him was strangely attractive. However, he averted his gaze away immediately to not to be caught staring.
I won't beat around the bush. This man is definitely my type.
Xiao Zhan too had a fair share of staring at the young man in front of him. He ran his eyes over the other’s body, in a very respectful and dignified way despite the fact that he was looking with attention. Wang Yibo was even more breathtaking in real life than in pictures, a beauty rarely found. From his shiny blue locks, the sharpness of his jaw to the pretty curves of his lips. Full and a little red. Xiao Zhan had a little curiosity, his dark eyes sparkling with interest.
Mr. Wang and Xiao Zhan talked about their business agreement and other trivial matters which were not at all interesting to Wang Yibo. By the time the meeting concluded, he almost let out a yawn.
"Excuse me, Zhan. I need to pick up this call."
"Sure. Take your time, Mr. Wang." Xiao Zhan replied politely. As Mr. Wang talked privately on the phone around the corner, Xiao Zhan saw Wang Yibo glaring at him.
"What's with the glares? I would drop dead."
"Mr. Xiao, we were supposed to meet the day after tomorrow. Then why did you disturbed my sleep and invite me here?"
Xiao Zhan rubbed his knuckles and replied, "This morning, my assistant informed me about meeting Mr. Wang. So I thought of dragging you along with him. Afterall, we are to meet each other. The earlier, the better."
Wang Yibo sighed. As he was about to speak, Mr. Wang interrupted him, "I'm sorry, Zhan but I need to visit my company. It's urgent."
"Go ahead, Mr. Wang. I don't mind."
Mr. Wang nodded and looked at his son, "Now that you're here, why don't you have lunch with my son."
"Sure. I would be glad to have him as an acquaintance."
"Yibo, don't make any trouble for Xiao Zhan." And with that the man left the two alone.
"Alright, Mr. Xiao, let's have a Q/A session." Wang Yibo's hand shifted away from the menu card.
"Hmm?" Xiao Zhan raised his eyebrows curiously as he sipped from the glass of water. He was quite interested to explore the unique personality of the young man.
Wang Yibo cleared his throat lightly and said with a serious expression, "Now that we've agreed to date, we need to estimate a few things."
Xian Zhan nodded, placing the glass on the table. Looks like the conversation would turn more interesting.
"How long do you want the contract to last?"
"Five months?"
Wang Yibo nodded, "Fine by me. I assume it's your first time having a Sugar Baby. May I ask why?"
"First of all, it's your cousin who signed me up in Seeking Arrangement. I needed a distraction. But I never picked up anyone."
"Mr. Xiao, you’re very handsome. I find it hard to believe people wouldn’t be falling all over the place for you. Or are you just picky? You can’t be picky forever, you know. Or maybe you think you’re handsome enough to be so picky?"
Xiao Zhan had a smile on his face. This boy is quite straightforward.
"You could say that I'm picky and I know I'm handsome." Xiao Zhan said pridefully. "And I picked you as I find you interesting. Anyway, I'm supposed to take you out for dates, trips and spend time with you right?"
"Yep. And I have never been intimate with my previous clients. But if you're interested, we shall try out new things. However, we need to decide the top and bottom." Wait… What?? Why am I interested in doing it with him?
Xiao Zhan's eyes widened in amusement. He didn't expect that from the younger man. Wang Yibo thought Xiao Zhan was clueless and leaned forward, whispering, "You know, like who gives and who will receive."
Xiao Zhan cleared his throat. He looked at Wang Yibo and found him adorable with his lips pressed together in a line making his cheeks bulge. He wanted to laugh but he couldn't as he knew it would offend the other guy.
"We'll see about it later."
"Good. I'm also aware that I have a more dominant side in some situations." Wang Yibo said confidently. Xiao Zhan nodded his head in acknowledgement and clenched his fist to stop himself from laughing out loud. Wang Yibo is flexible yet slightly demanding.
"Let's order the food. I'm starving." Wang Yibo exclaimed.
Xiao Zhan called the waitress and the two ordered their food. As they were waiting for the meal, Xiao Zhan announced, "This is just Sugar Dating. You're not allowed to fall in love with me. And I'll assure you the same."
"Right. Let's not make things complicated with feelings."
"And one more thing, you're prohibited from calling me Daddy in front of others."
"Hmm. Calling you Mr. Xiao seems too formal. How about Zhan ge?" Wang Yibo asked.
"Fine." Xiao Zhan smiled. It felt good hearing it from Wang Yibo's lips.
The waitress returned, serving the food. The duo had it in silence. Xiao Zhan noticed that the younger man was a heavy eater and that he was’nt into spicy food. As they were about to depart, Wang Yibo voiced out, "Zhan ge should take me on a date."
"Let's go out the day after tomorrow. We already had a plan to meet, didn't we?"
"Alright. Then see you on Sunday."
"At 11 AM. I'll pick you up from the apartment."
The two exchanged smiles and bid farewell.

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