《Chapter 8》

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The chapter came out to be longer than expected. Enjoy!!


The next evening, Yang Zi visited Xiao Designs. She had excitedly waited for her date though Xiao Zhan wasn't enthusiastic in meeting her. She entered Xiao Zhan's office and watched the man busy working.

"Hey, Zhan. It's almost 5. We've an evening date, remember?"

"Yang Zi, have a seat." Xiao Zhan said, shifting his attention from the documents. He paused for a few minutes, making her anxious.

"Zhan, what are you waiting for? Let's leave."

"Yang Zi, I'm sorry." Xiao Zhan whispered with a grim face.

The lady was taken back by the sudden statement, "What's wrong? Why are you apologizing, Zhan?"

"I can no longer date you, Yang Zi. Let's just.... end this." Xiao Zhan confessed with difficulty.

"Z-Zhan, no. Are you mad? How can you break up with me? Am I not perfect for you? I love you, Xiao Zhan" Yang Zi's voice stuttered.

"I tried my best, Yang Zi, but I can't love you the way you desire. For the past one month, I have been constantly trying to accept you but I'm sorry. I'm not the one for you and I hope you'll find someone who will treat you with justice."

"Why can't you love me, Zhan? Please don't tell me to walk away from you." Yang Zi got up from her seat and grabbed Xiao Zhan's hand. "Zhan, say that you love me."

"Yang Zi, love cannot be forced. You're a mature lady. Stop being stubborn. And.." Xiao Zhan paused for a moment, freeing his hand from her grip, "My heart belongs to someone else."

Yang Zi knitted her eyebrows and shouted in anger, "It's Wang Yibo, right? Zhan, are you dumping me for that arrogant boy? What is so special about him?"

"Everything." Xiao Zhan lowered his gaze. He couldn't help but smile weakly at the mention of the younger man, "Everything is special about him. And the only mistake I made was letting him go."

"Zhan.." Yang Zi whispered with tears in her eyes.

"Forgive me Yang Zi. I can never reciprocate your feelings." Xiao Zhan wiped her tears. He felt bad for hurting the lady. He sure was a mess when it came to love. But this time, Xiao Zhan was clear about his decision. This was what he should do, "You may take your leave, Yang Zi. I'm busy."

Yang Zi gritted her teeth in distress but maintained silence. She grabbed her clutch and stomped out of the office. It's all his fault. I'll make him pay for stealing Zhan from me.

× • × • × • × • × • × • × • × • ×

Xiao Zhan woke up the next morning with enthusiasm. He had decided to reconcile with Wang Yibo. Zhan called him numerous times yesterday but all of his calls were unanswered. Xiao Zhan had to admit that he felt hurt when Yibo ignored his calls. But he was not in a position to complain. He had brought this upon himself. As he unlocked his phone, his eyes widened in horror. The news of Wang Yibo being bisexual was all over the media!

Xiao Zhan was very well aware of the stereotypes of Chinese society. The news was exposed overnight and now it was gradually gaining attention across every platform. Though the business of the Wangs was not tampered much, there was a lot of hatred and abusive comments about Wang Yibo on Weibo. Xiao Zhan panicked at the thought of the young man and immediately left his apartment.

Xiao Zhan contacted Wang ZhuoCheng who was equally shocked with the commotion, "Zhan, we've contacted Cyber Securities. They're fetching the details."

"Are things out of control?" Xiao Zhan asked worriedly.

"Not really but things aren't fine either. We're trying our best to block the contents and suppress the netizens before it reaches a larger audience."

"Is Yibo alright?"

"That kid is still cool. So are his parents. Well, all of us knew about his sexual orientation. It's no surprise for us. Yet we're still trying to figure out who had done this misdeed." Wang ZhuoCheng informed his friend.

"Do you suspect anyone? It seems to be a case of professional jealousy. The person might have wanted to slander the Wangs." Xiao Zhan voiced out.

"Or their target was Wang Yibo. Afterall, he is the next heir."

"It's possible too. Contact me when you find a lead."

Xiao Zhan hung up the call in distress and tried to connect with Wang Yibo. But to his dismay, his calls were again unanswered. It was around the afternoon when the information was retrieved. Wang ZhuoCheng called his friend and exclaimed, "Zhan, the news was leaked through a series of 5 accounts, all belonging to the staff of Yang Zi's studio."

"What!!" Xiao Zhan was bewildered.

"Yes. We did an inquiry and the staff confessed that they were forced by their mistress to do so accordingly."

Temper sparked through Xiao Zhan as he hit the engine of his car and hastened towards the Yang Mansion. The butler escorted him into the living room where he was greeted by Mr. Yang.

"Welcome Zhan. Make yourself comfortable."

Xiao Zhan stared at the elder man with sharp eyes, "I'm not here for any chitchat, Mr. Yang. Please call your daughter."

Mr. Yang called for his daughter and after a few seconds Yang Zi rushed into the room along with her mother.

"Zhan, atlast you're here for me." Yang Zi approached the CEO in anticipation, "I missed you so much."

"Quit your filthy acts, Yang Zi." Xiao Zhan's cold gaze pierced through the lady's soul.

Yang Zi's eyes widened in surprise. Her parents were startled too. They knew the deeds of their daughter yet stayed quiet.

"Don't even dare to fake your innocence. I've seen through all your deception."

"Zhan, don't look at me with contempt. I know I'm wrong but I don't regret it. I only wanted you back."

"By destroying someone else?" Xiao Zhan snapped, "I never expected such dirty acts from you, Yang Zi. I thought you were mature enough to handle your shits but I was wrong." Xiao Zhan commented with a harsh voice.

Yang Zi stared at the man in front of her in shock. She had never witnessed the rude and raging Xiao Zhan. And his harsh speech was totally unexpected. Xiao Zhan turned to face Mr. Yang and exclaimed, "I'm withdrawing my business ties with you, Mr. Yang. I'm sure the Wangs have done the same."

"But, Xiao Zhan. Please hear me out-"

"Enough lady." Xiao Zhan rudely interrupted and stated, "I don't want to waste my time any further here. My decision is final. And a lawsuit is filed against you for cyberbullying. Hope you're ready for the consequences."

And with one last glare at her, the young man left for the Wang Mansion.

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