《Chapter 6》

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"Hey Zhan, back from Bangkok?" Wang ZhuoCheng asked over the phone.
"Yeah. Just a few hours ago?" Xiao Zhan replied languidly.
"How is my bratty cousin doing? Hope you didn't babysit him."
"He is a unique straightforward young man, A-Cheng. We had a lot of fun."
"Well, that's surprising! You and him are completely opposite. I mean, just look at your age gap. He is merely a kid and you're almost old. And yet both of you merge with ease."
"Who are you calling an old man?" Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes.
"He is a carefree youth who loves being spoiled. I bet you do it very well or else he would have left you by now." Wang ZhuoCheng giggled. "I wonder when he'll take life seriously."
After a few minutes of conversation, Xiao Zhan hung the call. He pondered over ZhuoCheng's words. Wang Yibo was just 23. He still had a long way to go. Yet this boy was simply wasting his time with Xiao Zhan. That doesn't sound good. He needed to be productive in his youth. Xiao Zhan never wants to witness Wang Yibo falling apart and ends up with failure. He sighed miserably and closed his eyes.

× • × • × • × • × • × • × • × • ×

Wang Yibo returned to his apartment and was greeted by his friends who were waiting impatiently for him. He dropped his backpack and settled on the couch.
"Yibo, you're back." Cho Seungyoun exclaimed in happiness. "So how was your trip with Mr. Sugar Daddy?"
Wang Yibo smiled brightly, "It was great. I wished to spend more time with him. But Zhan ge has a meeting tomorrow."
The other two men noticed the hint of disappointment in Wang Yibo's voice when he said the last part. Wang Yibo gave them the souvenir and showed the pictures he took with Xiao Zhan.
"Yibo, you look genuinely happy." Li Wenhan commented with a smile. Wang Yibo flashed a shy smile at him in return.
Cho Seungyoun observed his friend closely. Shyness was absolutely a rare emotion which Wang Yibo depicted. He grew curious and asked, "Yibo….are you by any chance… in love with Mr. Xiao?"
Wang Yibo grew a deep breath and nodded his head. Cho Seungyoun smiled while Li Wenhan had a troubled look on his face, "What nonsense are you saying, Wang Yibo? He is your Sugar Daddy. Nothing more."
"At first, I felt the same. It was a mere infatuation. But somewhere I lost myself in him. And the more I deny my feelings, the more I want him."
"Does he feel the same?"
"I don't know." Wang Yibo sighed.
"Then make him fall in love with you." Cho Seungyoun sat closer to his friend, "Listen, I won't blame you, Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan is such a gentleman. Anyone could fall for him."
"But how do I make him fall for me?"
"Start slow, Yibo. Then show off your charms. Make him notice you. Convey your feelings through actions. I'm sure Mr. Xiao would pick it up. And if it's a positive response from him, then confess your love."
Wang Yibo's eyes sparkled in anticipation while Wenhan facepalmed.
"I've seen Zhan ge staring at me more often. I'm kinda sure that he is infatuated with me."
"Then try seducing him. Though it's a 50:50 chance, it'll make things easier."
"But Yibo, listen to me. What if it's all one sided? He is a grown up man. He has lived 6 years more than you. He might have had his way with people and you might be one among them. Sooner or later, he'll be married. I don't want to see you in pain. Are you sure about him?" Li Wenhan asked with worry.
The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. What Wenhan said was a matter of importance. A heaviness lingered on Wang Yibo's chest. He doesn't want Xiao Zhan to leave him and get married to someone else. The thought itself pierced his heart. What am I supposed to do now?

× • × • × • × • × • × • × • × • ×

Two days later, Wang Yibo arrived at Xiao Zhan's building and parked his bike. He stepped inside the private elevator that led to Xiao Zhan's penthouse. He had visited him several times and Xiao Zhan happily invited him inside.
"I know it's early but I cooked us some dinner. Are you hungry?" Xiao Zhan said as he took the jacket from Wang Yibo.
Wang Yibo nodded with a soft smile and followed Xiao Zhan into the dining room. Xiao Zhan served the dishes he made and the two happily had the meal while conversing about random things. After dinner was done, they retired to Xiao Zhan's bedroom.
"Yibo, I've got a few documents to review. Will you give me a few minutes?" Xiao Zhan asked, sitting on his bed with his laptop.
"I don't mind, Zhan ge. Take your time." Wang Yibo picked up a book from the nearby shelf and sat on the sacco chair near the window. Though he flipped through the pages, his mind still lingered with Wenhan's words. Will Zhan ge leave me?
From time to time, Xiao Zhan glanced at the man in front of him. Wang Yibo seemed to be too lost in his thoughts and Xiao Zhan noticed a look of disappointment on his face. He quickly finished his work and kept the laptop aside.
"Yibo, is something wrong? You look sad."
Wang Yibo shook his head lightly, "I'm fine, Zhan ge."
Xiao Zhan didn't press the younger one for more information. He doesn't want to invade his privacy. Yet his heart ached at the sight of dull Wang Yibo and he opened his arms, "Want a hug?"
Wang Yibo grinned softly. His man could easily see through his mind. Without hesitation, he approached the bed. Xiao Zhan brought Yibo to sit on his lap and lightly patted his back. The younger man pressed his face against his chest. Xiao Zhan patiently soothed Wang Yibo like cradling a baby.
"Feeling better?"
Wang Yibo hummed in response. Suddenly his phone rang.
It rang again.
Still ringing.
"Yibo, why are you ignoring the calls?"
"It must be ZhuoCheng ge. We have a small business party and he wants me to join."
"Then why aren't you going?"
"I don't like such parties. They are not of my interest. Moreover, there will be a lot of stereotypic people. I don't wanna hear their bullshit."
"As expected from you." Xiao Zhan chuckled. His hand occasionally caressed Yibo's head which was now sinking in the crook of his neck. Few minutes passed and Xiao Zhan thought Wang Yibo had fallen asleep. However the next second, his head shot up, almost hitting Xiao Zhan's chin.
"I want to sleep with you. In here." Wang Yibo said with determination. He enjoyed it. He enjoyed every second of the time he could spend with the man in front of him. Wang Yibo remembered what Seungyoun said and decided to seduce the older man.
Operation Seduce Daddy Xiao Zhan
Xiao Zhan gave him a confused look, "... Why?"
"Zhan ge, I don't want to return to my apartment. Or else Cheng ge would come and drag me to that stupid party. So I'll spend the night with you."
Xiao Zhan smiled and rubbed his temple. He didn't mind having Yibo staying at his place. But the problem is how he would handle it smoothly. Especially after the last night in Bangkok, Xiao Zhan had promised himself not to fall for Wang Yibo's attempted flirting or seduction. He would keep his arousals at bay and control himself around the younger man.
"I'll do whatever you want. I'm at your mercy." Feeling his seduction unsuccessful, Wang Yibo tried his luck again. This time he had a different purpose behind the words and his voice made it sound seductive. He carelessly moved his fingers on Xiao Zhan's sturdy chest, hoping that things would turn out in his favour.
On the other hand, Xiao Zhan was having a hard time composing himself. He couldn't go back on his promise. Not this soon, "Yibo, what you said right now didn't sound right. I know you realised it too."
Wang Yibo smiled wryly. Was this man trying to be a descendant from heaven? His offered bait was politely turned down by the older man. Gosh! He wanted the fierce Xiao Zhan who pinned him down in the elevator. But the same man was now turned into a half angel that itched Wang Yibo to scream out in frustration.
Alright, time for Plan B.
"Zhan ge, You can punish me if I'm naughty."
It sounded ridiculous but Wang Yibo faked his innocence. But again Xiao Zhan stayed oblivious. The man was not at all fooled by his seduction and chuckled while ruffling his hair, "Only your parents have the authority to punish you."
What the fuck happened to his desires!! Or did someone burn his crotch?! Wang Yibo controlled himself from pulling out his hair. But he was a man of determination. He won't give up easily.
"Zhan ge."
Wang Yibo pursed his lips, putting his index finger into his mouth and pulled it back with a plop sound. He looked at Xiao Zhan with expectation. Xiao Zhan focused on the movement of the finger and lips and knitted his brows, "What happened to your index finger?"
Finally Wang Yibo lost miserably. He put an arm around Xiao Zhan's shoulder and buried his face in his neck, groaning in defeat. The older man has lost his sense of arousal and it drove Wang Yibo crazy.
Shit! This boy would be my death! Xiao Zhan cursed mentally, and continued to rub Yibo's back. He knew the younger man was upset. He looked so inviting and sexy. Yet Xiao Zhan found it so adorable at the same time. Wang Yibo bit his lips and sighed.
Suddenly someone rang the bell and Wang Yibo flinched, "It must be ZhuoCheng Ge. You should save me, Zhan ge."
Xiao Zhan chuckled while nodding his head, "Fine."
Xiao Zhan opened the main door and was greeted with a familiar face, "Hey, ZhuoCheng. Come on in."
Wang ZhuoCheng stepped inside and his gaze casted upon his cousin brother. Yibo immediately hid behind Xiao Zhan. ZhuoCheng walked over and signalled his friend to get out of the way. Wang Yibo glared at Xiao Zhan as he moved away.
"Yibo, you're coming with me. We're already late."
Wang Yibo dashed towards his Sugar Daddy and exclaimed, "I want to sleep with Zhan ge."
The words were too ambiguous for their relationship. Wang ZhuoCheng responded, "No way, Wang Yibo. Let's go."
Wang Yibo eyed Xiao Zhan with a pleading look. He hoped his Sugar Daddy would stop him from leaving but Xiao Zhan did the opposite, "He is your cousin, Wang Yibo. Listen to him."
"Your Daddy is so understanding Wang Yibo." Wang ZhuoCheng pulled Yibo's ears and said, "You brat, when did you became so shameless!"
"Argh!!....Zhan ge… Daddy." Wang Yibo called out as ZhuoCheng dragged him away. He waved his hands at Xiao Zhan asking for help. But Xiao Zhan, on the other hand, waved his hand in return and smiled sweetly, "Bye bye, puppy."
Wang Yibo lowered his head in dismay and looked away. Suddenly Xiao Zhan called out for them and Wang Yibo beamed with delight. He watched Xiao Zhan approaching them and hoped Xiao Zhan would save him. But again his face dimmed upon hearing the handsome man, "A-Cheng, I've bought a souvenir for you from Bangkok. Wait, I'll get it for you."
Xiao Zhan came back after a minute and handed the present to his friend.
"Thanks Zhan. We shall take our leave."
"Wait! Wait! Papa Xiao has also been invited. Zhan ge, you can join us too." Wang Yibo exclaimed. Xiao Zhan and ZhuoCheng looked at him for a moment.
"Zhan ge, please… I won't ask a second time. Please."
"Zhan, then you can come with us. Or else, he would eat up my head."
And with that, the trio reached the party hall. Xiao Zhan greeted Mr and Mrs. Wang and his parents. He also spotted some familiar faces. As the three of them sat together, an elegant middle aged lady approached them.
"It's a surprise to meet you here, Zhan."
"I didn't expect to see you too, Mrs. Yang." Xiao Zhan said politely.
The lady turned out to be very talkative and nosed in other people's business, "My daughter always talks about you, Zhan. Hope you haven't forgotten about her. Besides, we would be happy to have a son-in-law like you."
Xiao Zhan faked his smile and replied, "I haven't, Mrs. Yang."
Before he could speak any further, Wang Yibo interrupted him, "And what would you say if we are dating, lady?"
Xiao Zhan was taken back and immediately turned to Yibo who was sitting next to him. Wang Yibo had a smug expression on his face, his eyes challenging.
Mrs. Yang glared at him with distaste and said, "Listen boy, I know you're joking but marrying another man won't give you a future. They can't give you a child. And moreover, it's better to stay single than marrying an arrogant and disgraceful guy like you."
Wang ZhuoCheng and Xiao Zhan knitted their brows. Though Wang Yibo was impulsive, they didn't entertain the lady insulting him. Xiao Zhan worriedly glanced at Wang Yibo. But to his surprise, the boy was completely cool with no slight change in his expression.
"It's okay if you don't like me. Not everyone has a good taste."
The lady clicked her heels in distress and walked away. Xiao Zhan heaved a sigh while ZhuoCheng had a little smile on his face.

 Xiao Zhan heaved a sigh while ZhuoCheng had a little smile on his face

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Happy Sunday💙

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

With luv,


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