《Chapter 9》

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Happy New Year dears❤️. How is the new going so far for you guys?

Happy Reading


Wang Yibo spent his entire Friday scrolling through different recipes on his phone and proceeded to cook in the evening. He had moved in with Xiao Zhan two weeks ago and decided to expand his culinary skills. The young man prepared two vegetable dishes simple enough that even he couldn't screw it up before tackling the chicken. Following the recipe for the second time, Yibo still felt silly handling the chicken with his gloved hands. The chicken was too bland last time, so he made sure to season it adequately. He was just arranging the cilantro on top of the shredded chicken soup when Xiao Zhan arrived bearing a small elaborate cake, smiling and handsome as usual.

"Welcome back, Zhan Ge." Wang Yibo smiled and hugged the older man. Xiao Zhan returned the tight embrace, planting a light kiss on his neck. He examined the dishes on the table and smiled, "My baby is working hard."

"Go and freshen up fast, Zhan Ge. I want you to try my creations." Wang Yibo said impatiently.

Xiao Zhan chuckled as he loosened his tie, "I hope they're edible this time."

Xiao Zhan returned to the table after changing his attire. Wang Yibo studied him closely when his chopsticks raised the chicken to his mouth. Xiao Zhan's face carefully didn't twitch when he swallowed it.

"You don't like it." Yibo concluded forlornly, disappointment filling his stomach.

"No, I do!" Xiao Zhan protested and stuffed some more bites into his mouth to prove his point.

"Don't force yourself." Wang Yibo mumbled. He tried the chicken himself and coughed at the extreme saltiness and spiciness, immediately craving water, "It tastes awful!"

Xiao Zhan passed him a glass of water and giggled, "Let's improvise your soup, Yibo."

Wang Yibo stayed beside him and carefully observed Xiao Zhan adding more water and chopped veggies into his soup, bringing them to a boil, "I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend who would suffer my cooking."

Xiao Zhan served the soup for both of them along with some rice. Wang Yibo smiled as Xiao Zhan talked about random stuff in his office. Yibo thought that it's natural to like and admire him, someone so handsome, kind, well-spoken, and respectful to everyone. After the dinner, the duo found themselves on the bed with Xiao Zhan spooning his beloved.

"A part of me still can't believe this is real. That you are in my arms again. There were times when I thought I had really lost you." Xiao Zhan pulled the younger one even closer against his chest.

"Zhan-ge...you hurt me more than anyone ever has."

"I know." Xiao Zhan whispered, almost inaudibly.

"But you also made me feel more than I have ever felt for anybody." Wang Yibo affirmed.

"I've never wanted someone as much as I wanted you." Xiao Zhan confessed into the back of his neck, "I was so miserable without you. I was so afraid you would meet someone worthy of you, someone I can't compete with because they can give you what I can't. I would never share you with anyone. And I would never get tired of you."

Xiao Zhan said it with so much confidence Yibo knew he meant it.

"I finally sorted everything out so I can be with you. I love you, Wang Yibo."

Those three words made Wang Yibo feel as light as air.

"God, shut up. You're such a sap." Wang Yibo giggled but his ears slightly turned pink.

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