《Chapter 7》

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Hlo lovelies! As we had mentioned in our previous announcement, AR had accidentally deleted 1000+ words of this chapter while writing and SS was having frequent migraine attacks. Both of us were damn frustrated and so we had to take a break. Sry to keep y'all waiting and enjoy the chap!!
On a fine evening, Wang Yibo excitedly walked into Xiao Designs and approached the reception, "Excuse me. I need to meet Mr. Xiao."
The lady at the reception recognized the young man and said, "Mr. Wang, pleased to meet you. But Mr. Xiao is currently attending a conference. He'll be out shortly. Kindly wait in the private lounge."
"Thank you."
Wang Yibo settled on the couch and smiled. He had decided to give his Sugar Daddy a surprise visit. But he didn't plan to stay longer. Xiao Zhan was a busy man and though he is a bit workaholic, Wang Yibo respected his commitment towards his work. As he looked through his phone, a beautiful lady entered the lounge.
The lady smiled at him and asked, "You're the son of Mr. Wang, right? May I know your name?"
Wang Yibo nodded his head, "I'm Wang Yibo. And you are?"
"I'm Yang Zi. Pleased to meet you." She sat a little far from Wang Yibo and looked at him from the corner of her mischievous eyes.
Two months before, Yang Zi spotted Xiao Zhan along with a blue haired boy in the city mall. She watched them closely and found the duo smiling happily at each other, carrying a bunch of shopping bags. Zhan looks so happy. I've never seen him smile so openly. Has Zhan forgotten about me? And who is that boy?
Yang Zi took out her phone and snapped a picture of the two secretly. She asked her secretary to search the details of the boy and was surprised to know that he was the son of the Wang couple. And moreover, her mother had told her about her encounter with Wang Yibo at the party last week.
"Why are you here, Ms. Yang?" Wang Yibo asked, bringing her back from the thoughts.
The lady paused for a moment, smirking internally, and faked another smile, "I'm here to see my Zhan."
Wang Yibo's face darkened when he heard the lady address Xiao Zhan possessively. He kept his mouth shut and listened patiently.
"You see, Yibo, I've loved Zhan for the past two years. And at last I've confessed my feelings to him. But he politely asked me to give him some time. I'm here to meet Zhan privately. I need to know his response."
Wang Yibo clenched his fist at her words. It made his heart heavy with pain. Xiao Zhan had not mentioned about her to him. Not even once. And the thought of losing him to Yang Zi was stinging his insides. He couldn't let it happen.
"Looks like you're my love rival, lady." Wang Yibo commented with a smug smile.
Tsk..So this boy is really in love with my Zhan. Yang Zi furrowed her eyebrows though she tried her best to mask her annoyance.
"What nonsense are you saying, Wang Yibo? Are you two dating or has Zhan confessed his love to you?" Yang Zi asked mockingly.
Wang Yibo paused for a moment. He doesn't have a perfect answer for Yang Zi's question. Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan were Sugar Dating and that was different from the normal relationship though Wang Yibo denied to accept the fact. And Xiao Zhan has never expressed his feelings verbally. Yet the way they complemented each other was surprisingly perfect for Yibo to assume that Xiao Zhan had an interest in him. But their relationship and status were way too ambiguous to have an exact conclusion.
"It's all one of your fantasies, Yibo. Xiao Zhan is a straight man unlike you and he doesn't need a faggot like you in his life." Yang Zi remarked rudely.
"Bitch, what did you just call me?" Wang Yibo flared with rage. This lady was not in a position to question his sexual orientation and discriminate against him. Afterall, it's his life and his choices.
"Listen boy, what if the media captured you both together? It will affect Xiao Zhan adversely and you'll be his greatest shame. Stay away from Xiao Zhan and stop being a disgrace to him."
"Enough with your shitty talks, lady." Wang Yibo shouted. "My relationship with Zhan is none of your business. It's true that I love him and I'm not going to lose him to you."
Wang Yibo smiled viciously into a sharp grin that almost looked deadly. In the midst of his blazing gaze, the door opened and Xiao Zhan entered the lounge.
"What's with the dispute here?" Xiao Zhan looked at the two people inside with a surprised look.
Yang Zi immediately went over to Xiao Zhan and draped an arm around Xiao Zhan's hand and said in oblivion, "Who is this rude boy, Zhan? He's insulting me."
"Bitch being a real bitch with her bitchy acts." Wang Yibo said with an arrogant smirk.
Xiao Zhan was taken back by Wang Yibo's and looked at him with a frown, "Yibo, what's with the rude comment? Apologize to her right now!"
"Huh? You want me to apologize, Zhan ge? No fucking way. She was the one who insulted me first. Ask her to apologize."
"Don't listen to him, Zhan. He's lying. I would never disgrace anyone with my words." Yang Zi looked at Xiao Zhan with innocence. "Zhan, this boy is out of his mind. He also said that he loves you and threatened to take you away from me."
Xiao Zhan breathed in shock. He turned his attention towards the younger man and asked sternly, "Did I hear it right, Wang Yibo?"
"Yes, Zhan ge. I'm in love with you and I don't dare to hide it from you anymore." Wang Yibo spoke without hesitation, his eyes looking straight at the CEO.
Xiao Zhan's eyes widened in horror. He was not ready for yet another confession from Wang Yibo. Earlier he thought the drunken confession was one of his nonsense but now he realized the feelings of the younger man.
"Wang Yibo, Didn't I warn you from the beginning? Why are you making it difficult for me?"
"I know you did, Zhan ge. But it's just that I…" Wang Yibo bit his lips, "It's natural to like and admire you, Zhan ge. Someone so handsome, kind, well-spoken, and respectful to everyone."
"Careful Zhan, he might be tricking you. He is just into your reputation." Yang Zi gripped the man tighter.
Wang Yibo shot her an icy glare, "I'm not interested in his money or status. I just love him as a person."
"Love was not a part of our contract, Wang Yibo." Xiao Zhan said, his voice stern and rigid.
Wang Yibo's blood turned cold. Xiao Zhan's voice pierced through him. He was terrified of rejection. He wasn't sure if he could survive the trauma of being rejected by his first ever love. "Zhan ge…D-Don't you love me?"
"I can't accept you, Wang Yibo. You're just my Sugar Baby and nothing more. We've agreed to this earlier, haven't we? Or in the midst of your fleeting feelings, have you forgotten about our contract?" Xiao Zhan interrogated though it made him tremble a bit.
Wang Yibo turned numb. His breath hitched when the words escaped Xiao Zhan's lips and it hurt him. Very badly. And what hurt him the most was Xiao Zhan addressing his feelings as fleeting. Just how low does Yibo rank in Xiao Zhan’s life? He had always known that he’s not number one, or even in the top five. But he knew somewhere in the corner of his heart, Xiao Zhan cared for him. Yet what Xiao Zhan said right now had undeniably devastated him. He clenched his fist, steadying himself and asked, "You've no right to question my feelings for you, Xiao Zhan. Are you denying me because I'm your Sugar Baby?"
"Yes and…" Xiao Zhan drew a deep breath, clenching his fist, "I love Yang Zi."
Wang Yibo looked shattered while Yang Zi's eyes widened in surprise. A grin flashed across her lips but she quickly composed herself.
"S-So, now that you found the love of your life, you don't want me anymore?" Wang Yibo stuttered, ignoring his stinging eyes.
"Wang Yibo, I only desire your well being." Xiao Zhan said, breathing heavily, "You should be with someone who can give you what I can’t."
"Do you want me to leave?" With eyes welling up, and a red nose, Wang Yibo asked miserably. But even with his heart breaking, the idea of walking away from Xiao Zhan and never seeing him again was unbearable.
Xiao Zhan remained silent, averting his gaze. He felt hollow and lifeless watching the broken Yibo in front of him and couldn't bear to see more. Xiao Zhan was willing to let him go, for his own sake.
"Okay, Mr. Xiao," Wang Yibo regained his composure and announced, "I'm breaking our contract. We're no longer bound by Sugar Dating. And have a great life ahead with your bitch."
Wang Yibo stalked past the two, trying his best to control his warm tears. He hated to cry in front of others. Yang Zi had known Xiao Zhan for two years and he, on the other hand, for two months. It was natural for Xiao Zhan to favour Yang Zi over him. There was no use of being bitter or jealous, though that doesn’t stop Yibo from feeling it. With heavy steps, he left the building.
Xiao Zhan sat down on the couch, his heart aching in pain. He never thought that letting Wang Yibo go would be so painful. Wang Yibo was a young, free man. Xiao Zhan just couldn't allow him to fool around him and waste his youth. Yang Zi sat down next to him and said, "I never thought you loved me. And you did the right thing, Zhan. He is arrogant and untamed. Being with him would have harmed your reputation. Moreover, that brat carelessly spent your money. And-"
"Enough Yang Zi!" Xiao Zhan shouted out. He drew a deep breath and calmed himself, "Just spare me some time. You may leave now. I shall contact you later."

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