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My Lift As A Top Star In A Book Chapter 211: Need the original marriage certificate?
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After another two days of filming, it was the weekend.

There was no Qin Nuan's role on Saturday and Sunday. Tan Xue knew that Qin Nuan hadn't taken a rest for a month, so she didn't arrange a notice for Qin Nuan in these two days and gave her two days of rest.

This Saturday, Qin Nuan made an appointment with a lawyer.

It was the lawyer Qin Shi introduced to him. The lawyer's surname is Xu. He is a top student who graduated from country M. He has fought many celebrity businessmen's divorce lawsuits and has never lost.

Since arguing with Li Lingcheng over the divorce last time to no avail, Qin Nuan has made up his mind to fight him in a divorce lawsuit.

So during this time, she has been looking for lawyers who are very successful in divorce lawsuits.

But many lawyers ruthlessly rejected the business when they heard that they were going to file a lawsuit against the Li family.

Because the Li Group is overbearing and domineering in City A, there is no lawsuit that the Li Group cannot win in City A.

So no matter how high Qin Nuan offered, no lawyer was willing to accept this business.

Attorney Xu is the only one Qin Nuan found after searching for a long time

A lawyer willing to help her with the Li family.

Qin Nuan and Lawyer Xu met at a coffee shop.

When Qin Nuan arrived, Lawyer Xu had already arrived.

After the two people greeted each other, Qin Nuan briefly reported his situation to Lawyer Xu.

After hearing this, Lawyer Xu said: "You said that Mr. Li did not agree to your divorce and threatened you. Then you'd better provide valid recording evidence. This can provide us with more chances of winning this lawsuit."

Qin Nuan nodded and took a careful note.

Attorney Xu added: "In addition, if you can grasp the evidence of Mr. Li's derailment, you can get more inclination in terms of property division."

Qin Nuan shook his head and said, "I am not interested in the property of the Li family at all. I just want to dissolve this marriage as soon as possible."

Attorney Xu heard a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he raised his head to look at Qin Nuan.

He fought a lot of divorce lawsuits against wealthy and nobles, and it was the issue of property division that caused every couple's endless quarrels and eventually tore their faces.

The Li family has a lot of business, and it stands to reason that the most desirable thing for a divorce is property. Unexpectedly, the Miss Qin in front of her had no interest in it.

However, Lawyer Xu didn't say much, he respected the wishes of every client.

"Finally, we must prepare all the materials for the divorce proceedings. I need to provide the defendant's ID number and your original ID and marriage certificate."

"Need the original marriage certificate?" Qin Nuan has other things, it is this marriage certificate, she has never seen it again.

Attorney Xu nodded, "The original marriage certificate is in duplicate. You just need to bring your copy."

After bidding farewell to Lawyer Xu, Qin Nuan drove to Li's old house.

It stands to reason that the marriage certificate should be placed in the marriage room of the old house.

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