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Home » My Lift As A Top Star In A Book MLAATSIAB » Chapter 161: Qin Nuan: Isn't she right to call her sister?
My Lift As A Top Star In A Book Chapter 161: Qin Nuan: Isn't she right to call her sister?
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After leaving the store, Qin Nuan went to the YHY headquarters again.

But this time, what Qin Nuan wants to see is Yu Huayan, the chief designer of YHY.

But when she told the front desk of the company that she wanted to see Yu Yanyan, she was told that the designer of Yu Da was more difficult to see than the CEO, and all the people who made appointments to see her were queued up a year later.

Harder to see than the CEO?

This designer is too good!

Seeing that Qin Nuan was very sincere, the front desk kindly revealed a message to her that Yu Yanyan happened to be in the company today.

Qin Nuan learned the news, borrowed the restroom of their company, put on the dress he bought, and then walked out carrying the bag.

The front desk saw Qin Nuan putting on a dress and her eyes were full of surprise. She spoke in a not fluent Chinese and said: "You are so beautiful! This dress is tailor-made for you! Chinese girls are beautiful and tasteful. !"

Qin Nuan smiled, "Thank you for your compliment."

Then he sat down on the sofa in the leisure area and waited quietly.

Fearing to miss the chance to see Yu Huayan, Qin Nuan didn't eat lunch and didn't dare to go to the bathroom, so he sat on a stool and waited forcibly from morning to afternoon.

When it was about to get off work, the elevator dedicated to the director in front of Qin Nuan clinked, the door opened, and a beautiful, unspeakable woman walked out.

Qin Nuan only found a profile photo of Yu Huayan on the Internet, but based on this, she confirmed at a glance that this beautiful woman is Yu Huayan.

She hurriedly got up and stopped in front of Yu Huayan, "Hello, I take the liberty to interrupt you. I like the clothes you designed, but when I bought this dress, I found a product idea that affected your design. I don’t know if you can give me a chance to listen to my suggestion?"

Upon hearing the words, Yu Weiyan took a close look at Qin Nuan, and saw that the dress she designed on her body seemed to inject soul into the dress, and her eyes showed love and appreciation.

As a designer, she is very interested in beautiful things.

Back then, if she hadn't given birth to her good boy with big eyes and beautiful eyelashes, she wouldn't have risked his figure out of shape and would stay at home with peace of mind and feed him ten months of milk.

Thinking of this, Yu Huayan smiled softly: "Yes."



Yu Huayan sat noble and elegantly opposite Qin Nuan, called the waiter, ordered a cup of coffee, and then asked Qin Nuan, "Little girl, what do you want to drink, I will treat you."

"Thank you, latte." Qin Nuan replied neither humble nor humble.

After ordering the meal, the waiter left with the menu.

Qin Nuan sat opposite Yu Huayan. The two people were separated by less than one meter. Qin Nuan could clearly see how delicate Yu Huayan's skin was.

She should be Chinese and English, with blue eyes like the sea, the facial features are very three-dimensional, but the outline is very soft, bright and graceful, beautiful and unconventional.

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